John F. BarberArts, Fiction, Drama
John F. BarberArts, Fiction, Drama
John F. BarberArts, Fiction, Drama
John F. BarberArts, Fiction, Drama


A program about radio storytelling. Re-Imagined Radio adapts and shares stories via the radio medium that engage your ears. Play out for your mind's eye. And spark your imagination. Our radio storytelling draws from dramas, comedies, oral and aural histories, documentaries, fictions, soundscapes and sonic journeys, radio and sound art. Each story utilizes the fundamental components of radio storytelling: dialogue, sounds for context and/or effect, and music.

  • Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis
    This episode of Re-Imagined Radio is "Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis." Part of our Guest Producer/Writer Series, it samples two audio dramas by award-winning Canadian writer, producer, and director Jack Jamie Ward. February is the month of love, and...
  • The Lives of Harry Lime
    The Lives of Harry Lime Imaginative crimes and misadventures Premiere broadcast: 20 January 2025 Season 13, Episode 01 Re-Imagined Radio samples the first and last episodes of The Lives of Harry Lime (syndicated United States broadcasts 1951-1952....
  • A Radio Christmas Sampler, Vol. 4
    "A Radio Christmas Sampler, Vol. 4" Re-Imagined Radio Season 12, Episode 12 Every year since 2013, Re-Imagined Radio has offered some iteration of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens as a community holiday celebration. This year we sample a version...
  • Night of the Eclipsoid Man, Part 2
    Re-Imagined Radio premiers this two-part cinematic radio story by Jerrel McQuen and Marc Rose. In Part 2, Spencer Knightbridge, transformed by a bizarre lab accident into an "Eclipsoid Man," a negative inverse of himself with incredible telekinetic...
  • Night of the Eclipsoid Man, Part 1
    Re-Imagined Radio premiers this two-part cinematic radio story by Jerrel McQuen and Marc Rose from our Guest Produced series. In Part 1, Spencer Knightbridge is transformed into a quixotic one-man holocaust, bent on avenging horrible wrongs done him...
  • Willamette Radio Workshop, Redux
    Re-Imagined Radio presents WRW Retrospective Redux as a memoriam to Sam A. Mowry, who died July 20, 2024, in Portland, Oregon. Mowry, founder and director of Willamette Radio Workshop (WRW), was a leader of the theatrical, voice acting, and audio...
  • Dragnet
    "All we want are the facts, ma'am." Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Dragnet, the real-life police procedural, and Jack Webb, as Detective Sgt. Joe Friday, who defined and was defined by this radio series. We sample from One Out of Seven, The Jack Webb...
  • Nightfall
    Re-Imagined Radio presents a radio episode and a radio series with the same name. "Nightfall." The radio episode, "Nightfall," is from Dimension X. The Canadian radio anthology series, Nightfall, offered primarily supernatural and/or horror stories....
  • Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
    Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Johnny Dollar, America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator, the man with the action-packed expense account, by sampling from "The McCormick Matter" episode starring Bob Bailey, considered the best of the eight...
  • Escape: Double adventure with Vincent Price
    Re-Imagined Radio samples two episodes of Escape, "Present Tense" and "Three Skeleton Key," both starring Vincent Price, to celebrate radio's greatest series of high adventure storytelling and an unforgettable voice actor. Credits Written by John...
  • Syndication
    Re-Imagined Radio samples from Box 13 and The Damon Runyon Theater, both offered by Paramount movie star Alan Ladd's Mayfair Productions, as syndicated radio programs. Both are significant examples of compelling, immersive radio storytelling. Each...
  • Radio Women
    Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Women's History Month with a tribute to eight women that made significant and pioneering contributions to radio storytelling. We sample radio storytelling by Lucille Fletcher, Edith Meiser, Ruth Woodman, Mary MacBride,...
  • Gunsmoke Compilation
    Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Gunsmoke, a defining radio drama in the Western genre, with a compilation of two episodes, "Billy The Kid" and "Young Man with a Gun." Two different young men aspire to be gunslingers. Both meet US Marshall Matt Dillon...
  • The Mysterious Traveler
    Re-Imagined Radio shares two episodes of The Mysterious Traveler, "The Man the Insects Hated" and "Behind the Locked Door." A double feature. Double the fun. Double the action and suspense. Doubly strange and terrifying. So now we double down. Risk...
  • A Radio Christmas Carol 2023
    For the past decade, Re-Imagined Radio has offered "A Radio Christmas Carol," either as live or radio performances, to celebrate the seasonal holidays. For 2023, or 10th Anniversary, we are pleased to welcome the Willamette Radio Workshop, directed by...
  • A Radio Christmas Sampler Vol. III
    Re-Imagined Radio samples from "Christmas Dragnet," a comedy record by Stan Freberg, and three radio programs, "The Stockings Were Hung," from The Shadow, December 24, 1939; "Christmas Gift," from The Whistler, December 23, 1951; and "Christmas...
  • Dimension X
    Stories in time and space . . . told in future tense Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Dimension X, a pioneering radio science fiction series heard on NBC from April 1950 through September 1951. Neither the earliest nor the most famous of the many science...
  • The War of the Worlds (Live) 2023
    Willamette Radio Performs Live October 20, 2023 Season 11, Episode 11L Re-Imagined Radio celebrates the 85th anniversary of the most (in)famous radio drama broadcast ever, AND World Audio Drama Day, with a live performance of The War of the Worlds, by...
  • Asezhia
    The demon is loose. The legend is real. 16 October, 2023 Season 11, Episode 10 For Halloween, Re-Imagined Radio presents "Asezhia," by Marc Rose and Jerrel McQuen. An ancient jewel, stolen from a planet of great beauty and dark history, transforms...
  • 9/11 Radio Stories
    9/11 Radio Stories Stories behind the images Re-Imagined Radio remembers September 11, 2001, when four passenger airplanes were hijacked and turned into weapons. Behind televised images of New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, airline officials, air...