Kyrin Down & Juan GranadosSelf-Improvement, Education

Value for Value ⚡️

The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. That's from Thich Nhat Hanh. So the philosophy around that, right, is the embracing the power of now for it is the only moment where life truly unfolds, engaging fully and authentically with the present to shape a meaningful existence. So the present principle came up for me at the very least because during the month, I was over in Japan, and one of the big things I wanted to do while there was a twofold of kind of vlogging every day, an internal vlogging. It's not something I'm gonna be sharing out, openly to the world, but it was something with me and my family to reminisce on, go look back at memories, and to be present.

Episode Summary

Juan's learnings from May. Connect with Mere Mortals:Website: 4 Value Support:Boostagram:
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