Kyrin Down & Juan GranadosSelf-Improvement, Education

Value for Value ⚡️

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. Yeah. Look. Self explanatory. As I mentioned, there was sort of coming off the back of Japan. I was quite sick towards the tail end of that trip, And to be frank with you, it's only been the last few days I've gone really over it. I'm aware it's well into tune at the moment. Well, I'm recording this right now. It kinda sucks. It always sucks. We we experience this, of not being a 100% of being able to pursue whatever you have in, that you have in mind that you wanna pursue at a 100% or with a full passion that you have. And it once again reminded me and through the notes sort of came out of how important it is to be functional, to be healthy, to do the things that you need.

Episode Summary

Juan's learnings from May. Connect with Mere Mortals:Website: 4 Value Support:Boostagram:
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