The Christian Research InstituteEducation
The Christian Research InstituteEducation


Have You Joined the Conversation on Hank Unplugged? – Hank Unplugged is a podcast brought to you by the Christian Research Institute where Hank Hanegraaff takes you out of the studio and into his study to engage in free-flowing, essential Christian conversations on critical issues with some of the most interesting, informative and inspirational people on the planet. For more information visit and to support CRI and our global outreaches visit

  • The Palestinian Delusion
    The people of Palestine are caught in the crosshairs of the only significant religious system in the history of the human race with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against the infidel. While much has been made about the state...
  • The Most Important Issue of Them All—Abortion
    Most Americans want legal access to abortion. It is likely one of the issues that will determine what politicians get elected—as many politicians today say that unless you have a moderate position when it comes to abortion it is virtually impossible...
  • Journey to Reality–Sacramental Life in a Secular Age
    We live in an era deeply shaped by secularism. Because secular ideas are at the heart of our culture, modern people tend to think in secular ways without realizing it—even the most well-meaning of us. How then do we live in, but not be of, a secular...
  • Is this Hank’s Most Beautiful Book? The NEW Complete Bible Answer Book
    What do you do when you don’t know the answer to a question? “Research and return” is Hank’s policy when asked a question on the Bible Answer Man that he is unsure of—something we should all practice when we are unsure of an answer.Likewise, Hank...
  • Will God’s People Be Raptured? The Heart of Christian Zionism
    The heart of Christian Zionism is that God has two distinct people—one of whom must be raptured (the church) before God can continue His plan with the other (Israel). Is it true that God’s chosen people will be raptured? “There is neither Jew nor...
  • The Most Significant Christian Leader of Our Generation with Metropolitan K.P. Yohannan
    Our guest on this episode is the most significant Christian leader of our generation—at least in the opinion of Hank Hanegraaff. On May 8th this leader—Metropolitan Yohan, also known as K.P. Yohannan—fell asleep in the Lord. Hank opens the podcast by...
  • What is Replacement Theology?
    The phrase replacement theologian is designed to be an insult. It is the ultimate pejorative leveled at those who deny the heart of dispensationalism—namely, that God has two distinct peoples, one of whom must be raptured (the church) before God can...
  • What Should Christians Believe about the Millenium?
    Multitudes today hold to the belief that there will be a thousand-year semi-golden age following the second appearing of Jesus Christ. As such they suppose they will be resurrected in glorified bodies to once again experience a fallen world—for a...
  • Should Christians Believe in the Pre-tribulational Rapture Theory?
    The pre-tribulational rapture theory, popularized by John Nelson Darby in the nineteenth century, contends that God has two distinct people and two distinct plans for their two distinct destinies. The church will be raptured—what David Jeremiah dubs...
  • Age of Nihilism: The Great War to the Culture Wars of Today
    “Before there was a West, there was Christendom.” Fr. John Strickland has written a monumental four-part history of Christendom—from the first millennium of Christendom which he deems “the age of paradise” to our current cultural condition which he...
  • How Secular Humanism Displaced Christianity in Modern Culture
    “Before there was a West, there was Christendom.” Fr. John Strickland has written a monumental four-part history of Christendom—from the first millennium of Christendom which he deems “the age of paradise” to our current cultural condition which he...
  • Age of Division—Great Schism to Protestant Reformation
    Before there was a West, there was Christendom.” Fr. John Strickland has written a monumental four-part history of Christendom—from the first millennium of Christendom which he deems “the age of paradise” to our current cultural condition which he...
  • The First Thousand Years: Christendom from Pentecost to the First Millennium
    “Before there was a West, there was Christendom.” Fr. John Strickland has written a monumental four-part history of Christendom—from the first millennium of Christendom which he deems “the age of paradise” to our current cultural condition which he...
  • Does Church History Matter? The Rise and Fall of What the West Once Was
    ​Does Church history matter? In an age marked by division, Christians of all traditions can almost assuredly agree that we are currently living in an age of cultural decline. Believing in the transformational power of historical understanding, Fr....
  • Incarnation: The Ultimate Self-Revelation of God
    As we celebrate the Christmas season, we encourage you to contemplate the meaning and the magnitude of the Incarnation—the climax of divine revelation: God with us! The very thought that the one who spoke and galaxies leapt into existence should cloak...
  • Islamic Terrorism
    In light of recent events, today’s edition of Hank Unplugged is a special encore presentation featuring Robert Spencer containing segments from different appearances that Spencer has made on Hank Unplugged over the years in order to provide everything...
  • Are We Living in the Last Days? w/Gary DeMar*
    Are we living in the last days? On today’s podcast we revisit an issue of tremendous consequence—particularly in light of the ongoing conflict in the middle east. That issue revolves around the popular notion that Christians will be raptured out of...
  • LEVANT—Crossroads of World History in the Middle East
    Given the current events taking place in the Middle East it is important to assess the Levant—the land-bridge linking three continents (Europe, Asia, and Africa). The Levant set the stage for some of the principal events in history, is the source of...
  • Palestine—A Palestinian Christian Perspective with Fares Abraham
    Fares Abraham is a Palestinian Christian. He was born in the West Bank. His wife was born in Gaza—in the Al-Ahli Baptist hospital recently bombed despite the belief that a Christian hospital was the safest place to be in all of Gaza. How should...
  • Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War with Peachy Keenan
    Are you a domestic extremist? Peachy Keenan argues that the only way we can save our families, ourselves, and the world is by embracing our inner domestic extremists, and sweeping failed notions of third wave feminism and identity politics nonsense...