Episode Summary

Are you ready for Humans 2.0? Whether you like it or not—this is happening. From transhumanism to AI, science and technology are progressing at a pace unprecedented in human history and this rate of change can leave many people—Christians or otherwise—feeling disoriented. But these are not subjects that Christians can simply ignore—we must educate ourselves so that we understand what is at stake and are able to discern and advocate for or against based on the moral and ethical guidance of a Christian worldview. Dr. Fuz Rana joins Hank Hanegraaff for a wide-ranging conversation that will undoubtedly “open a window to the new world of human enhancement technologies and transhumanism,” that will determine the future of humanity—Humans 2.0.  To learn more about the book our guest Fazale “Fuz” Rana co-authored entitled, Humans 2.0: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives on Transhumanism, please click here. https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resources-humans-2-0-scientific-philosophical-and-theological-perspectives-on-transhumanism/ Topics discussed include: Why do we gravitate towards superheroes? The relationship between superheroes, the transhumanist movement and theodicy (3:15)What is transhumanism? (5:00)The problem with the myth of progress (7:00)Transhumanism and transcendence (9:55)The importance of critical thinking and discernment regarding transhumanism and technology (11:40)What is gene editing? (13:15)Worldviews matter—understanding how different worldviews impact science and technology (18:30)Ethical intricacies of Neuralink and brain-computer interface (BCI) technology (21:05)The mind-body question (27:20)Technologically seeking immortality—is aging a disease to be cured? (29:30)Should humans “play god”? (37:30)The ethical complexity of stem cell research (39:30)Cloning technology today (45:30)Is gene editing essentially a version of eugenics? (47:30)How transhumanism demonstrates human exceptionalism (50:35)How language sets humans apart and remains a question evolutionist cannot answer (55:45)The impact of different worldviews on ethical and moral considerations we make in society regarding science and technology (59:25)What is meant by Humans 2.0? (1:04:45)Why Christians must involve themselves in discussions on emerging technologies (1:10:25)Post-human vs Superhuman (1:15:35)What is the relationship between AI and transhumanism? (1:19:15)How concerned should we be about the power of AI? (1:25:25)The repercussions for granting citizenship to robots (1:27:55)What is Artificial Womb Technology (AWT) and is it a good idea? (1:29:45)Transhumanism and the desire to transcend the limits that gender place on human potential (1:33:10)Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.MediaChristian Articles
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