Episode Summary
I provide a summary and insights from a course I'm teaching monthly in major cities around the country on how to create and hold onto Agency - you need a good defense. Listen in and if this resonates, come join me at one of these events later this year. We'll be in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, New York/New Jersey, Miami, Orlando and Houston at a minimum. Highlights Importance of defense in asset protection. The parallel paths of protection and wealth accumulation. The risks of relying on market-based financial advice. The dangers of passive investments during economic downturns. Building a hierarchy of wealth from the bottom up. Protecting the number one asset: yourself. Deconstructing wealth from the top down during spend-down phase. Preparing for the second episode on trusts and LLCs. Links and Resources from this Episode Connect with Gary Pinkerton https://www.paradigmlife.net/ gpinkerton@paradigmlife.net https://garypinkerton.com/ https://www.aspiretour.com/ Review, Subscribe and Share If you like what you hear please leave a review by clicking here Make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you get the latest episodes. Subscribe with Apple Podcasts Follow on Audible Subscribe with Listen Notes Subscribe with RSS