Episode Summary

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, the importance of creating habits cannot be understated. Join Sarah in this episode as she delves into the significance of habits in bringing stability and a mindset change into our lives. Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the chaos of life? In times of uncertainty, habits can be your anchor. Stay tuned to discover how cultivating habits can help you navigate the storms or a season of waiting with confidence.  Sarah will also share a heartfelt prayer that beautifully encapsulates the essence of finding solace in the midst of chaos and waiting. Listen as we explore the power of surrender and faith, and how it can transform your life. Sarah talks about her real life and shares practical tips on how to establish habits that not only bring order but also enhance your well-being. Learn how to turn chaos into an opportunity for growth. ------   A Prayer for Those in Waiting   Dear Lord,   You are good. You are good no matter what, no matter when, and always. You reign Sovereign in every season. You are never perplexed, never surprised, and never confused by what I face. I have confidence that You have been working and will continue working to fulfill Your plan in my life for my good and for Your glory.   Father, in this season of waiting, I need You near to me. Surround me with Your presence. My heart is fragile in the in-between, and I cannot trust my human emotions. Forgive me for the moments where I grasp for control instead of fully surrendering to You. Forgive me for allowing my thoughts to spiral into worry instead of taking those thoughts captive and turning them into prayers. Forgive me for giving into fear and anxiety instead of trusting in Your promise that You are good, and You care for me. Forgive me, Lord, if I exalt myself by allowing my circumstances to dictate my faith and trust in You. Forgive me for wasting my moments on what-ifs instead of using my moments to worship.   Be evident to me, God. Bring to my mind the evidence of Your faithfulness in my life – past and present. Interrupt my spir
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