Episode Summary

On this episode, we sat down with Graham Stonadge of StreetPin.com, a newly launched network of local, social, community and business websites. StreetPin is designed to maintain the ethos of the local community pinboard with unique information, events, promotions that are only relevant to the here and now. StreetPin aims for digital inclusion of non-technical users, or experts to engage those ‘here and now’. Any shop, business, park… can have an open, discoverable ‘site’, ready to turn customers into communities within minutes. We spoke with Graham about StreetPin’s unique differences from other social platforms out there and how it’s helping drive real footfall for local communities. Graham explained how StreetPin is free to join and use and perfect for local business communities to achieve a greater reach locally and wider than that through paid ads. Hit Publish – https://hitpublish.digital/
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