Episode Summary
🫶 Subscribe NOW - Unlock a world of knowledge, innovation, and growth from the largest podcast network in foodservice! - https://www.savor.fm/The restaurant industry is on the cusp of a major shift driven by tech-savvy Gen Y and Gen Z consumers who prefer convenience, with mobile ordering rapidly growing and projected to account for 11% of quick-service sales by 2020. Yet the industry is slow to adopt new tech, despite benefits. Companies like PAR, focused on innovative industry-specific POS solutions, are well-positioned to capitalize as the industry adapts to the next generation's expectations.📈 Learn More ~ https://www.revernetworks.com/restaurant-power-indexRestaurant Power Index featuring the top 50 brands' performance in consumer sentiment based on 12 performance markers in food, service, and overall brand consumer sentiment. The RPI features historical and current sentiment analysis for key brands based on the overall market sentiment data. Subscribe for weekly reports on the top brands in the restaurant industry.