Neal O'CarrollStand-Up, Comedy

Episode Summary

Neal uncovers a massive parallel between Bruce Willis' The Sixth Sense character and 1960s Muppets precurser Sam and Friends, proposes an ingenius new type of mnemonics that will change your life and discusses the practicalities of shooting yourself in the foot, being obsessed with Sesame Street, inadequate media explanation of kneecapping, being unimpressed by The Snufflelopacus, how to test a documentary idea, how to use a single solitary bar stool in a crowd, the argument against bathroom windows, appreciating TV masts, narrator inception, The Willy Wonka Show, A realistic sitcom reboot, oral chemistry exams, dogs versus cats in bars, how to defuse a spoiler, wartime gender-based duplication, when cats bum everybody out and more. New expanded website with decades of writings and comics: Message the Show: Lost Episodes Appeal:
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