Episode Summary

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:Are deathbed conversions biblical? Richard - Fayetteville, NC (0:52)Does tithing apply to Christians today? Is it abusive to emphasize tithes in the church? Jim - Stanwood, WA (3:19)What do you believe about the Great Tribulation? Cody - Moses Lake, WA (6:22)If you do something nasty or disgusting, is it considered a sin? Nina - Claymore, MO (15:14)How did God make the world? Trinity - Claymore, MO (17:00)My friend believes in both evolution and creation. He also says the first 11 chapters of Genesis cannot be taken literally. What are your thoughts? Bobby - Mill Creek, WA (20:07)Where do we find balance with teachers who we disagree with on some teachings, but they still teach correct doctrine? Natalie - Utqiagvik, AK (23:33)
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