Episode Summary
Re-Imagined Radio paid tribute to The Columbia Workshop, perhaps the most important American anthology radio program, and its mission to explore and present new forms of radio storytelling. The Willamette Radio Workshop performed Archibald MacLeish's "The Fall of the City" which follows the collapse of a city under an unnamed dictator and the ambiguous relationship humans have with freedom. The Voices performed samples from Jack J. Ward's "Great Day for a War" which concerns a scheme by a broadcasting company to increase its viewers during ratings week. Season 10, Episode 04 Premier broadcast: 16 May 2022 Written, Produced, Hosted my John Barber Production, Music, Sound Design by Marc Rose Social Media by Regina Carol Social Media Management Graphics by Holly Slocum Design Website: https://www.reimaginedradio.fm/episodes/columbia-workshop/index.html#2022