The Christian Research InstituteEducation

Episode Summary

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (02/24/25), Hank answers the following questions:Why don’t you start teaching dispensationalism? Johnny - Elgin, TX (0:52)Was Jesus Christ in the tomb for three days and three nights? How could there be a Friday crucifixion? James - Farmington, NM (7:11)There’s an apparent contradiction between Luke's and Mark's accounts of women coming to the tomb. Are there multiple sabbaths? Rick - Kansas City, MO (15:11)If we will live on a new Earth, what is the purpose of having a new heaven? Rita - Nashville, TN (17:37)Why does the Nestle-Alan 27th edition of the Greek New Testament have a text apparatus? Gary - Edmonton, AB (20:29)Are all the gifts of the Spirit for today? David - French Town, MT (22:39)
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