Neal O'CarrollImprov, Comedy

Episode Summary

Neal discusses encoutering your postman in another neighbourhood, playing Dr Suess, a terrifying futuristic garage, reinventing the painted ostrich egg, Ireland’s sheep filled desert, idenfiifying a mouth's postal address, remembering what you buried in the sand, how deserts evolve into casinos, understanding speakeasy, Stephen King’s car burial tale, what you could legitimately be giving your kids pints of at breakfast, a portrait microwave, how a dog handles a mirage of a desert, landlord teethmark inspection protocol, how ostriches fool predators, electrical tape misadventures, how to get a letter in The Irish Times, plugging a boat with a newspaper letters page, a surprise for non-podcast listeners, an opposite newspaper clippings exchange, a better use for LInkedIn, rejecting dopamine shamers and more.
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