The Christian Research InstituteEducation

Episode Summary

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (03/05/25), Hank notes that today is Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of the forty days of preparation for celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. During this time, Christians remember our sinfulness, we repent, we ask for God’s forgiveness, and we recognize that God’s forgiveness comes at an infinite price—the death of Jesus Christ on the cross on our behalf. Hank also discusses Clean Monday, which is part of the Eastern Church’s observance of the Great Lent that was observed this past Monday.Hank also answers the following questions:Which historian was the first to mention the Gospels? Jason - Harrisburg, PA (6:28)If Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday, isn’t that just two days? Jason - Harrisburg, PA (7:17)Can you clarify your statement on the doctrine of once saved, always saved? Jonathan - Calgary, AB (9:03)I’ve had someone question me about Christ being in the grave for three days; would you mind explaining that? Kurt - Spokane, WA (15:13)What would have happened if Adam and Eve had not eaten the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Keith - Kalamazoo, MI (18:04)I believe the Church misunderstands the timing of the day of preparation and Jesus’ crucifixion. Tracy - Hayden, ID (21:09)
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