Episode Summary
Are we living in the last days? On today’s podcast we revisit an issue of tremendous consequence—particularly in light of the ongoing conflict in the middle east. That issue revolves around the popular notion that Christians will be raptured out of this world—a rapture currently being dubbed, “The Great Disappearance.” Unfortunately, these modern eschatological interpretations are simply the result of scripture being taken out of context. These misunderstandings about the end times (eschatology) have been enthusiastically propagated by popular end-times prophecy pundits—from books and movies such as the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye, to the “Great Disappearance” being preached by Dr. David Jeremiah. In reality, the Great Disappearance, subtitled “31 ways to be rapture ready” is simply the latest twist on an increasingly popular theme within modern-day Christianity—a theme that is relatively new in the history of Christendom. A proper eschatological evaluation is not merely a matter of theoretical significance as our interpretations have a tremendous impact on geopolitical relations and reactions. Simply put, a biblical understanding of the end times is not only important—it is essential. Hank Hanegraaff is joined by expert Gary DeMar to examine whether we are living in the last days as he explains what the Bible really says about the end times and why it matters. *This is an encore presentation of Hank Unplugged with an updated introduction to provide context. The original edition was first released in September of 2020. To dive deeper see: Hank Hanegraaff, The Apocalypse Code: Find out What the Bible Really Says About the End Times and Why It Matters Today.https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resource-the-apocalypse-code-find-out-what-the-bible-really-says-about-the-end-times-and-why-it-matters-today-wa/Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.