Episode Summary
Neal reinvents the ensuite and consequently food ingredients labelling, evaluates modern prodding techniques, changes your mind about ghost trains and Microsoft Windows Paint, evaluates a possible alternative history of Mars, composes a special experiment for tourist excursion helicoptor pilots, tries to recall the name Andy Kauffman and the song I've Been to Paradise but I've Never Been to Me and disucusses seating arrangements in US classroom dramas, the justfication for third party forewords, passive international election observer dogs, tracking your child's astronomy career, the show TAXI, your mouth’s overflow system, impulse buys for people who like shopping lists, disposable thoughts, sight tests for dogs, a vending machine for soundwaves, monitors in TV emergency wards, latin in medicine and gardening, continuity issues, a virtual armchair and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit IntoYourHead.ie/Contact. LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See IntoYourHead.ie/low. INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to IntoYourHead.ie/Shorts. LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of fossilised episodes on Archive dot org.