The Christian Research InstituteEducation

Episode Summary

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (02/27/25), Hank answers the following questions:Did the Holy Spirit indwell people in the Old Testament? Eve - Portland, OR (0:52)Why in the Psalms did they pray, “Don’t take away your Holy Spirit from me”? Eve - Portland, OR (3:02) What is your opinion of N.T. Wright? Bob - St. Louis, MO (4:49)How do I share with my skeptical nephew that the Bible is the Word of God? Dean - Milton, KS (6:23)Can you explain the meaning of Acts 1:2? Dean - Milton, KS (9:29)Are there modern-day prophets? John - Akron, OH (15:12)Can you help me help witness to a Jewish friend who uses Numbers 23:19 to refute the incarnation? Tom - Lahoma, OK (21:03)Discussing church government with friends. Is there anything wrong with a church having two head pastors? Greg - Memphis, TN (23:17)Jesus tells the thief on the cross “today you will be with Me in Paradise.” But after His resurrection, Jesus tells Mary “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.” Is paradise a separate place? John - St. Louis, MO (24:18)
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