Episode Summary
In a sub-standar episode not recommended for newbies, Neal considers how to poach eggs in their shells, the logistics of sieve use for gold hunters and drugs mules, use-by dates on precious metals, podcasts for dogs, other podcasts like this, finding a use for your dog, Dante’s magic gondola, a loophole for Marc Maron guests, faking your own death as an art installation, rooms without walls, misdefining a spare room and more. IYH Shorts – Now on their own separate YouTube channel, TikTok and the new, bigger IntoYourHead.ie website. Lost Episodes Appeal: IntoYourHead.ie/Lost Message the Show: IntoYourHead.ie/Contact License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via IntoYourHead.ie – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.