Episode Summary
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:What does the great fish in the Book of Jonah represent? John- El Sobrante, CA (0:48)A lot of Christians believe that we are living in the last days. What events should we be looking forward to before the end? Lee - Blue Eye, MO (4:22)I thought I saw two UFOs. What are your thoughts on UFOs and the show Ancient Aliens? Tom - Wilmington, DE (8:49)What are your thoughts on the Seventh-day Adventist Church? SDA members encouraged my wife to divorce me and remarry an SDA man. Don - Columbus, IN (15:12)What is your opinion of Rick Joyner and the prophetic church movement? Dave - Coral Springs, FL (17:56)How can we control evil thoughts that come to our minds? Are these thoughts a sin? Jason - Fresno, CA (21:45)