Episode Summary

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:Someone I know says the fallen angels and Satan are extraterrestrials and other odd claims. How should I respond to them? John - St. Louis, MO (0:51)Will there be people living on Earth when Jesus returns? If they are sinners, why are they still living when He gets here? Louise - Franklin, TN (5:36)What is the origin of dispensationalism? DeShawn - Nashville, TN (8:11)I received from a Jehovah’s Witness the book Truth and Translation by Jason David BeDuhn. What do you think about this book? Terry - Edmonton, AB (15:15)My wife and I are gaining more income. I want a newer house and car. Is this appropriate? What is the Christian standard of living? Scott - Orlando, FL (19:43)Why do the newer translations omit Matthew 17:21? Josh - Topeka, KS (22:34)
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