Chinmay and Sayanee

Episode Summary

Introduction [0:38] Wego Neo Jolly Good Code Developer Happiness [4:08] Ruby Conf Phillipines Ruby Conf Taiwan The Joel Test The Philosophy of Ruby Happy Teams Checklist Hipchat Slack Chat I Done This Pair Programming Github Bitbucket Pull review Hound CI Github Ruby Style Guide Bootstrap TDD is dead. Long live testing Continuous integration Continuous Deployment Semaphore Code Ship Travis CI Circle CI Jenkins CI Puppet Chef Github Boxen Confreaks Railscast Retrospectives Ruby community events [30:35] Matt Mullenweg Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto I/O Polling audience questions [36:52] Rails Girls RailsConf mRuby mRuby Arduino mobiruby Rapid Fire questions [41:59] Ruby Mine Agile Web Development with Rails 4 Aaron Patterson Elixir Emberjs Ruby Meetup Group Doubly Linked List - New releases [45:20] Firefox 29 Event Loop - Local events [46:15] Startup Weekend Programming Clojure: Why and How by @Omer Iqbal Lim Kopi Install Ruby Tokaido App Ruby Installer for Windows Red Dot Ruby Conference Electric Plug – Connect with Winston! [45:07] Winston’s Twitter Winston’s Github Jolly Good Code Ruby Asia Newsletter
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