Podcast artwork
Into The Doerfel-Verse
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike

Value for Value ⚡️

"Thought it was Real" - DoerJam

Episode Summary

He shoots, he scores! Oh wait this isn't a hockey game :) We play and talk about our song, "Thought It Was Real". Talk about the origin of our Hockey stick instruments(Jim Stoneman). And pick a new song for release. Special thanks to DV Producers for music and Ep20: Boostagrams:ChadFSalty Crayonboo-buryAdam Currysirtruckdriverallencpauladam287greatbrittain94Streamers:meremortalspodcastsaintsandsatsgilliganmikeneumannsandymeyer Subscribe to our music feed! https://www.doerfelverse.com/
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  • "Thought it was Real" - DoerJam