Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike


Join brothers Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben, and Cousin Mike, as they explore all dimensions of music in The Doerfels universe. Take a dive with us "into the Doerfel-verse!

Live Schedule

DoerfelVerse Ep44 LIVE with BANJOVI
When: March 15th 2025, 12:15:00 AM UTC

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