(Clip) Untitled Episode
0:00 to 0:22
Is the Sky Falling?
0:22 to 1:08
The Alby Issue
1:08 to 1:39
Wallet Issues
1:39 to 3:04
When Dave Got Started
3:04 to 4:11
Transferring Money Out
4:11 to 5:14
Darknet Diaries Episode
5:14 to 5:47
Crypto Transfers
5:47 to 7:36
The Downside
7:36 to 10:35
V4V Concept
10:35 to 11:36
Ads for Non Streamers
11:36 to 12:59
Concerned? Yes
12:59 to 13:42
Brave Browser Idea
13:42 to 17:22
Qued Payments
17:22 to 18:38
Keysend Explained
18:38 to 21:54
US Digital Currency?
21:54 to 25:14
Conshax Update
25:14 to 28:34
Run Your Own Node
28:34 to 32:12
Poltical Landscape
32:12 to 34:12
34:12 to 34:40