Value for Value ⚡️

Because you see, codependency, wears people down. It wears a whole relationship out. Codependency is a a means of using the other person so that you feel better. You are becoming a user, and your wife is becoming a user, and your you you're that's the only reason you're around each other so that the other that person feels nice, feels good.

Episode Summary

In this episode of The Relaxed Male, host Brian Goodwin delves into the complexities of maintaining individual identities within a marriage. Using the biblical reference of two becoming one, Brian explores how couples can balance unity with independence. He discusses the common pitfall of losing oneself in a relationship by trying to appease a partner, leading to codependency. Brian emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and the detrimental effects of relying on a partner for affirmation and emotional well-being.Brian introduces the concept of differentiated relationships, where both partners maintain their individuality while working together as a team. He outlines four key skills necessary for such relationships: emotional independence, self-regulation, setting healthy boundaries, and conflict resolution. Brian shares insights on how to develop these skills and the benefits they bring to a marriage.Throughout the episode, Brian provides practical advice for men to stop being "nice guys" who avoid conflict and instead embrace healthy disagreements. He encourages listeners to engage in open communication with their partners, allowing for personal growth and stronger relationships. By fostering a differentiated relationship, couples can enjoy a more fulfilling and harmonious life together.Try Coaching - the Survey -
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