Al BorealisHistory
Al BorealisHistory
Al BorealisHistory
Al BorealisHistory


A paradigm expanding variety podcast conducting old school, long-form, conversational, in depth interviews with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, and freethinkers of today - exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, and system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, and politics.

Value for Value ⚡️

  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 1 of 2)
    What was Hitler's "wonder weapons"? Why was 'Die Glocke' classified as "War Decisive"? What was the German version of Area 51 - the Kammlerstab - up to? Why was General Kammler so unknown despite being the third most powerful in the Nazi hierarchy? D...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 2 of 2)
    How was the Third Reich connected to Foo Fighters, flying discs, & Antarctica? Where did the Nazi Bell disappear to? How is the Rudolf Hess mystery connected to Antarctica? Did the Kammler Stab survive? What's the significance of 1947? Is there any t...
  • Peter Levenda - Rise of the Nazi Cult (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Is the Nazi philosophy based upon magical and occult currents? Who were the players influencing Hitler and the ideology of the Third Reich? Did they have ties to Theosophy, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, and other esoteric groups? What was the Nazi-Occult grou...
  • Peter Levenda - Rise of the Nazi Cult (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Did the magician Hanussen give ritual rise to Hitler's power? What did Himmler search for in Tibet & the Poles? What's the Spear of Destiny (Longinus' Lance)? What happened to Rudolf Hess & why? Did "Gestapo Mueller" have leverage on Hitler in the de...
  • Walter Bosley - Something Strange this Way Flies
    Is there evidence for anti-gravity already in the 19c.? Did Solomon Andrews make a flying machine in the 1860ies? What's the Great Airship Mystery of the 1890ies? Who's the private aeroclub NYMZA & what's their relation to German nationalists, occult...
  • Richard Dolan - The Case for a Breakaway Civilization (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Dolan joins us, sharing how he got into Ufology, and deals with questions such as: What constitutes a civilization? Can A-G spaceships be explained by natural scientific development? How superfluous is the alien hypothesis? Is academia hijacked by id...
  • Richard Dolan - The Case for a Breakaway Civilization (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We continue to examine the concept of a Breakaway Civilization with Richard, with deeper scrutinizing of its infrastructure & functioning. Which intelligence agencies, corporations, & military institutions are involved in the classified space fleet? ...
  • Dr. Michael Cremo - The Lost Age of Mankind (Pt. 1 of 2)
    In this enthralling talk Dr. Cremo address such questions as: Why is research censored & what does it say about our Hidden History? What say myths about extreme human antiquity? What's the oldest evidence for H. Sapiens? What's the total amount of an...
  • Dr. Michael Cremo - The Lost Age of Mankind (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Our talk with Dr. Cremo continues into such questions as: What period has most anomalous finds? How many extinction events has occurred? What's the obstacles of anomalous discoveries? Is Lucy ape or human? Are neanderthals & sapiens same species? Wha...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Rise of the Bormann Reich
    How did Martin Bormann survive the war and what was he up to afterwards? What is the truth regarding the nuclear weapons research of the axis powers? What is scalar weapons? Did Nazi scientists attain cold fusion in Argentina? To what extent did the ...
  • Petter Amundsen - Shakespeare Decoded (Pt. 1 of 2: Bacon, Father CRC, & the Templar Treasure in Nova Scotia)
    How is the Shakespearean plays connected to Francis Bacon, King James I, Henry Neville, Ben Jonson, Thomas Bushell & others? Why was the illiterate brute Will Shaxper credited? Who's the Stratfordians, Baconians, Oxfordians, & Marlowians? Did William...
  • Petter Amundsen - Shakespeare Decoded (Pt. 2 of 2: Bacon, Father CRC, & the Templar Treasure in Nova Scotia)
    We continue examining the mystery of Shakespeare's Treasure Map that Petter uncovered, focusing upon some of its whole volume of evidence, answering such questions as: Why is the Swamp at Oak Island point X? What do experts say about this? What perso...
  • Tim Swartz - Factions of Breakaway Civilizations (Pt. 1 of 2)
    What is the modern roots of the Breakaway Civilization? When did the first experiments with space crafts and anti gravity start? Whence did these exotic ideas stem? How is the old classical elite involved? How is psychism related to this technologica...
  • Tim Swartz - Factions of Breakaway Civilizations (Pt. 2 of 2)
    When did the classified space fleet attain field propulsion? What was the sources to their leap: Tesla, Aliens, Nazis, NASA, or a Breakaway Civilization? What's the nature of this incredible technology - or is it really technological by nature? Who'...
  • Walter Bosley - From Ancient to Breakaway Civilizations
    What was the explorer Sir Francis Richard Burton looking for in the deep jungles of South America, who sent him and why? And of course: Did he find it? Listen to our fascinating conversation with investigator Walter Bosley, as he returns to the Forum...
  • Daniel Ron - Oak Island & Bacons R+C Secret in Arcadia
    So what's going on at Oak Island? How's the treasure legend related to Templars, R+C, & Masons? What has all this to do with Francis Bacon & Shakespeare? We are joined by a Swedish scholar informing us about his finds, agreeing with those of Petter A...
  • Timothy Hogan - Covert History of the Knights Templar
    We go deep on this complex matter with Tim Hogan, the leader of a surviving Templar lineage, like: Whence did they come? What did they do? Why were they crushed? Where did they flee? What were they searching for & did they find it? Why was it of grea...
  • Daniel ”Dark Journalist” Liszt - Enemy of the Deep State
    What is the deep state? What is dark journalism? How is the corporate mainstream media corrupted and how does the information blockage work? Who are the controllers? Today we are joined by Daniel Liszt, who accounts for the condition of the independe...
  • Peter Levenda - Hitler’s Ratline & the Nazi Cult in Diaspora (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Now that forensic science finally has debunked "Hitler's scull", what evidence remains that der Führer suicided in the bunker? Can that also be debunked? Is there evidence to the contrary - that he in fact fled together with other key personnel? If s...
  • Peter Levenda - Hitler’s Ratline & the Nazi Cult in Diaspora (Pt. 2 of 2)
    So where did Hitler & Braun end up? Did they live in Argentina all their postwar life or could they have ended up in Indonesia? Did they have children & live unto the 70'ies? And just who was Georg Anton & Hella Poch in the first place? Peter Levenda...
  • Harry Cooper - Hitler’s Escape to Argentina (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Today we are joined by Harry Cooper, who has investigated the Hitler suicide myth for decades with cutting-edge primary research, indicating that Hitler & his inner circle survived and re-settled in South-America, as disclosed in his 3 books on the m...
  • Harry Cooper - Hitler’s Escape to Argentina (Pt. 2 of 2)
    In this monumental scandal of history, we continue exploring Hitler's & Bormann's trace and exile in South-America, as Cooper in detail accounts for such questions as: What was Bormann's flight route? What was Hitler's flight route? Where did they li...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Spider in Roswell
    What happened to the missing Bell scientists? Did the project lead to flying disks such as what crashed in Roswell (rather than an E.T. spacecraft)? Is there evidence for a connection to Bormann's exile-Nazi Network? When did the Military-Intelligenc...
  • Timothy Hogan - Gnosis: Forbidden Self Discovery
    What is Gnosis & why is it dangerous to the powers that be? Who were the Gnostics & what happened to them? Listen to our talk with Timothy Hogan (Grand Master of CIRCES) relating some of the esoteric secrets of its symbolism & mythos, and touching up...
  • Tobias Churton - Invisibles, Conspiracy, & the Children of Father CRC (Pt. 1 of 2)
    What happened in the early 1600s to explain the R+C furor? What was the manifestos, what did they say, who was behind them & what did they lead to? World leading scholar on Esoterica, Tobias Churton, sets the record straight so we can understand this...
  • Tobias Churton - Invisibles, Conspiracy, & the Children of Father CRC (Pt. 2 of 2)
    In this second half, Churton addresses such questions as: What's the Islamic connection to R+C? What 's the Gnostic connection? What's the Freemasonic connection? Is R+C the true essence of Christian Spirituality? Who was behind Shakespeare? What of ...
  • Paul Lappin - The Green Man & The Arcadian Shepherds
    Do we finally have evidence for who's behind the Shakespeare project, Rosicrucian Order, & Oak Island mystery? As our guest explain, there's a woodblock carving trail from 1500's all the way to 1890 - where the trace vanish! How does Nicolas Poussins...
  • Michaela Boehm - 50 Shades of Sexual Yoga
    David Deida's "The Way of the Superior Man" was a pioneering book when it came out. We are joined by Michaela Boehm who traveled and taught with him for 13 years, to account for the approaches of both sexes, exploring questions like: What's the moder...
  • Daniel Ron - An Oak Island Game Changer
    Daniel is back with an important update: Based upon his theory (explained in our previous talk), he used the Baconian codes to explore a site they point to and - lo & behold - made a huge discovery! What did he find? Where is it? How did he find it? ...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - JFK & the United Putsch of America
    Dr. Farrell is back and takes on JFK: After the failed Business plot, did the Sullivan & Cromwell based Wall Street/CIA elite replace Wallace with Truman and murder Roosevelt, in a behind the scenes coup? Why did the Kennedy Brothers challenge them d...
  • Dr. Robin Falkov - Your Health, Your Future (Pt. 1 of 2: How Health Care became a Sickness Industry)
    Dr. Robin Falkov comes on and accounts for all matters health - everything from Health Freedom Rights to practical home remedy tips. Some of the questions discussed are: Nazi connections to Big Pharma? What is Codex Alimentarius? Health Cartels have ...
  • Dr. Robin Falkov - Your Health, Your Future (Pt. 2 of 2: How Vibration Science is Key to Future Health)
    We go deeper with Dr. Falkov and take on such questions as: What's bio-photons that science recently has discovered? What's the nature of life force? What's the mechanics behind Homeopathy & other nature medicines? How does vibrations work in the hea...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Hidden Patterns of Creation
    Today we take on one of the largest philosophical mysteries; what Dr. Farrell refers to as the Topological Metaphor. In a roller coaster of a talk, we touch many aspects and derivatives of this fundamental structure of existence - historically, esote...
  • Jeroen van Straaten - Breakthrough! (Strategy for Zero Point Free Energy)
    What's commonly called Antigravity & Zero Point Free Energy has been a reality at least since Tesla's days, yet the lid on such forbidden research & inventions persist as far as public awareness & mass production concerns. Is there a way forward towa...
  • Peter Levenda - Perfect Storm: JFK, Nazis, & Renegade Bishops
    Today Levenda returns, looking into weird & less known aspects to JFK, which also puzzled Garrison. We explore matters like: How does Orthodox Churches relate to the assassination & Intel Agents? Why were UFO investigators involved in the cover-up? W...
  • Carter Hydrick - An A-Bomb for Herr Bormann (Pt. 2 of 2)
    And now the crescendo of the Bormann-Dulles plot: How did Bormann escape? What was the route? What's the evidence pro & con? How did he outplay Himmler, Goebbles, & Goring? What happened to the Japanese on board the uboat? How did Bormann get passed ...
  • Carter Hydrick - An A-Bomb for Herr Bormann (Pt. 1 of 2)
    This mind-blow is the least known GAME CHANGER in modern history. We talk with Carter Hydrick, who was first to prove that Nazi Germany surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States' Manhattan Project, enabling completion of the 1st. A-Bomb drop...
  • Petter Amundsen - 7 Steps from Shakespeare 2 Oak Island
    Petter returns with updates as we dive deeper into his work on OI, Shakespeare, Bacon, R+C, etc. Some issues touched: What's his theories' 7 steps? What does statistics say? What does experts say? What's the new discoveries? What codes are best? Who ...
  • Peter Levenda - From Tantra to Alchemy
    What was the great secret of Thomas Vaughan (Eugenius Philalethes) & his wife Rebecca? This mystery is Levenda's life work - now he drops by to speak of what's extant in his book The Tantric Alchemist, touching issues like: How did Thomas restore Reb...
  • Dr. Robert Schoch - Demise of the Ice Age Civilization
    Is it true that an advanced Civilization existed prior to the end of the Ice-Age? If so, what do we KNOW about it, why did it collapse, what does the hard science say, & is the academic cover-up finally diminishing? Dr. Schoch visits the Forum, with ...
  • Dr. Bob Fitrakis - This is how all U.S. elections are rigged
    Are Trump's claims really understatements? How rigged are elections? Exactly how is the fraud conducted? To find out we talk with a leading researcher in the field: Professor Fitrakis. Buckle up for a shocker as we explore questions like: Is gerryman...
  • Dr. John Apsley - These are the Suppressed Cancer Cures (Pt. 1 of 2: A History of Persecution)
    Dr. Apsley provides a full deprogramming on cancer. Some of the questions he answers: What cures are developed throughout the years? Who discovered them? What happened with it & to them? What's their incredible curative rates? How do they compare to ...
  • Dr. John Apsley - These are the Suppressed Cancer Cures (Pt. 2 of 2: How to Get them)
    In part 2 we look into cancer, causes & solutions as well as regenerative medicine, accelerated tissue repair & cellular regeneration. Some questions addressed: What's the different cancer types? What's the different causes? How to reverse chronic de...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Miseducation by Design
    U.S. education system is broken, but why and how? Moreover, how to fix it? Dr. Farrell comes on to air his concerns regarding this decay of his former occupation, based on his book Rotten to the (common) core. Some points raised: How "No Child Left B...
  • Alex ”Skeptiko” Tsakiris - Why Scientism is wrong about Everything
    Mr. Skeptiko joins the conversation & debunks the cult of Scientism. We explore many issues ruining academia & corrupting society, and also indulge in an ontology debate (such as waves vs particles). Apart from exposing the fanatical materialists & m...
  • Laurence de Mello - Operation JB & the Man from ODESSA (Pt. 1 of 2)
    A new "Hunting Bormann" episode where facts outplay fiction: Investigative journalist De Mello share some of her research on the Spider, ODESSA, MI6, and all sorts of murky stuff in WW2's aftermath. In part 1 we look into such topics as how did the B...
  • Laurence de Mello - Op. James Bond & the Man from ODESSA (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Investigative Reporter De Mello guides us further down the rabbit hole of post-WW2 history. Some topics touched: What did Hugh Thomas find regarding Bormann's dentistry? Why did TPTB move his corpse from Paraguay to Berlin? Can a gene test of Bormann...
  • Dr. Haraldur Erlendsson - Insanity vs Spirituality
    Viking Asatru, Norse & Indian mythos, Sacred Geometry, Dragon/Ley lines, Shamanism & Psychonautics, Psychosis & Schizophrenia, Possession & Reincarnation, the Celtic Church, pagan roots of Nordic Christianity, Demons; Angels; & Gods, Tantra; Illumina...
  • Harry Cooper - The South Pole Scheme
    Welcome to a FB classic, as it was recorded years ago + touches the "greatest hits" of our topics, from Antarctica bases to exile Nazis. Some questions raised: Why mount a polar expedition? How was it crushed? Are the hot springs real? What happened ...
  • Catherine Austin Fitts - This is the Black Economy (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Former Federal Commissioner for HUD under Bush Sr spills the beans about global financial fraud, mortgage scams, & the Black Budget. In part 1 Mrs. Fitts share her personal journey of discovery from Wall St to the Bush regime. In Part 2 we take on sp...
  • Catherine Austin Fitts - This is the Black Economy (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We pursue our enquiry with SEC Fitts into the Dark Economy, with facts & figures. How much assets did Bormann control after WW2? Will a world crash end oligarch power? How's the Deep State looting YOU? How's minimum 21 trillion $ sacked from U.S. sta...
  • Daniel ”Dark Journalist” Liszt - State of Stealthy Affairs (Pt. 1 of 2: Debunking the Good Cult)
    What's the REAL classified Space Program & why is a fantasy story pushed by powerful forces? DJ joins us for a chat on stealthy state of affairs. Topics touched: MUFON, Intel ops, Deep State, NASA, Black Economy, Dark Journalism, Independent Media, S...
  • Daniel ”Dark Journalist” Liszt - State of Stealthy Affairs (Pt. 2 of 2: On Trumpery & Networks)
    Join our ride as we discourse everything from esoterica to politics, like: Is Goode's Blue Avians a fake New-Age religion? Is every power-network infiltrated by CIA? Are Magicians a NASA faction like Masons & Nazis? Are networks an optimal informal i...
  • Richard Hoagland - NASA Revealed (Pt. 1 of 3)
    Hoagland joins the forum to account for indisputable facts regarding NASA. Some topics dealt with in part 1: What's Torsion physics & what's the significance of 19,5? Why was NASA founded? Is NASA really military behind its civilian facade? What did ...
  • Richard Hoagland - NASA Revealed (Pt. 2 of 3)
    We continue the wild journey through incredible facts & speculation, looking into questions like: What's the ancient origin to the different human races? Did "The Fall" cause a tilt of the Earth's axis? Did the "Moon Hoax" theory origin with NASA its...
  • Richard Hoagland - NASA Revealed (Pt. 3 of 3)
    We wrap this up with topics like: Was Apollo a public cover for a classified Moon program? Is EM Drive the first upgrade from ancient Rockets? Is Hoagland building his own EM Drive? Was the Cold War another sham? Was there a covert NASA war between M...
  • Phillip Lindsay - Human Prehistory according to Esoterica
    Join a journey to the most obscure take on extreme human antiquity, namely of the ancient scrolls known as Stanzas of Dzyan, accounted for by an expert on Theosophy. Some topics explored: How old is man? What's rootraces & subraces? Will a new race e...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 1 of 3: The Annihilation of Mother Tiamat)
    The professor returns & takes us back to distant times of yore, accounting for the Cosmic War theory. In part 1 we discuss the Titius-Bode Law, codes in ancient myths, Dr. Campbells influence on the Star Wars movies, Dr. Brandenburg, Dr. Van Flandern...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 2 of 3: The Usual Suspects)
    We move deeper into the mystery of what transpired millions of years ago. Some points touched: What sources is used? How does Farrel's work relate to Sitchin's? Did the Cosmic War have survivors? What was the Tablets of Destiny? Where were they hidde...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 3 of 3: A Species in Quarantine) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 15 November 2017
  • Dr. Michael Cremo - A Dangerous Man in Archeology
    Dr. Cremo is back in top shape to walk us through various challenges within academia in general & especially palaeontology. Some issues touched: What did Dr. Thompson contribute to Forbidden Archeology? How's the new book on it coming along? Who corr...
  • Peter Levenda - Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt. 1 of 3: Magic & Mech)
    So are we dealing with a true Disclosure attempt & genuine whistle-blowers or an Intel false flag op? Levenda actually had an essential role behind the scenes, & now clarify the rampant doubts, confusion, & suspicions. He elaborates on the 'To The St...
  • Peter Levenda - Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt 2 of 3: Nature of the Beast)
    Levenda answers more about project "To The Stars", & we continue the philosophical examination of the U.F.O. phenomenon. Some issues touched: Are they human, aliens, or inter-dimensional? Organic, machines, or robots? Has AI jump-started itself? Is h...
  • Peter Levenda - Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt. 3 of 3: Along comes Tom)
    At this final part we take on the hard questions about DeLonge's project. Some issues debated: How did they get to the insiders? Is there an ideological agenda? Is 'To the Stars' just a money making scheme? What, if any, is Levenda's economic incenti...
  • Clif High - Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 1 of 3)
    We welcome the webbot guru to explore the obscurity that is Antarctica. In this 3-part show we deal with everything - some issues touched in Part 1: Why did Clif take interest in this mystery? What say web-bot about it? What happened there in the lat...
  • Clif High - Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 2 of 3)
    In part 2 we move through history with topics like: What's the Expanding Earth theory implications for Antarctica? Why is most ancient habitation zones submerged? Is Mars a dead planet? What say Salish & Jain about former civilizations? What's the Ro...
  • Clif High - Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 3 of 3)
    In this crescendo closer Clif deals the final cards of the SP enigmas, incl. the 4 basic scenarios: Ancient Civ, Nazis, Aliens, & Hollow Earth. Some issues raised: What's his original info before blue chicken pollution? Why did polar scientists sudde...
  • Clif High - Antarctica Unveiled (Act 4: Postscript Addendum)
    Ready for updates? Clif brings us up to speed on recent developments not covered in the main show. Some topics touched: What can we learn from the Strava Heat Map fiasco? Why's Antarctic traffick exploding? Why hiring thousands for civil service occu...
  • Clif High - The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 1 of 2: Why A.I. fail)
    Sensei High is back for a deeper level of woo: The mystery of the mind - especially versus Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism, exploring different aspects of consciousness: it's nature, function, manifestations, & implications. Some issues explo...
  • Clif High - The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 2 of 2: Why Transhumanism fail)
    Hear the fascinating finish to our review of human design. Some topics raised: Can dreams be hacked? How's mind entwined with anatomy? How to improve intuition? Are Intel crooks on top of digital innovation? Did the first N.V. Goggles expose dimensio...
  • Laura London - Forever Jung
    Today we welcome Laura London to enlighten us about Dr. Carl Jung, father of depth psychology, and his genius insights into the human psyche and how we relate to each other. Some of the mysteries revealed: What's synchronicity? What are archetypes? W...
  • Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson - Evidence for Children’s Past Lives Memories
    Today we look into overwhelming scientific evidence for life after death, where Dr. Haraldsson relates studies in afterlife encounters, deathbed visions, & especially past life memories of children around the world. We examine what patterns are disco...
  • Clif High - Beyond the Gates of Death: Transmigration, Reincarnation, & Metempsychosis
    Like spiritual anarchists we smash in the doors to the other side letting out some of its light. Come hear all about nekrosis, like: How does Clif define the metaphysical anatomy of man? Which ancient traditions preserved death insight & what did the...
  • Kari Jaquesson - What the Shamestream Press won’t tell you about Syria (Pt. 1 of 2: The Smoking Gun)
    We kick off a new series on media criticism, starting with the BIG LIE of this decade. Albeit recorded a year ago, ALL is still valid & ongoing. In pt 2 we explore the shocking geopolitical aspects & smoke out the culprits. In pt 1 we focus upon Syri...
  • Kari Jaquesson - What the Shamestream Press won’t tell you about Syria (Pt. 2 of 2: The Devil You Know)
    In this part we discuss who's behind the global destruction & how they implement it, like: Which countries are in cahoots as the real "axis of evil"? What industries are financing it? What's the geopolitical interests? What agencies & organizations a...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Hess Mess Enigma (Pt. 1 of 3: Who are you, Mr. H?)
    Inspired by the great book of Picknett & Prince, the Forum Professor has examined the Hess mystery further & elaborates on these issues that we briefly touched in an early show. Some topics raised: Why did the Hess case go silent? Why is he almost er...
  • Dr. Tim Ball - Climategate on Trial (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Climate change is real. But what do we KNOW about its causation? A world leading expert drop by to educate us in basic science, debunking myths & assumptions shaping most views. The facts are shocking! Some topics touched: Is anthropogenic CO2 hypoth...
  • Dr. Tim Ball - Climategate on Trial (Pt. 2 of 2)
    In this part we go further and among other things deal with: How's the oil industry benefitting from the lie, & who do they fund? Are green taxes classwar on the poor? Is enviromentalism hijacked & is it stuck in a trap? How is media compromised? How...
  • Dr. Brooks Agnew - The Case for a Hollow Earth (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Hold onto your tinfoil hat as we spin down to the rabbit hole bottom, for the big question of Earth's true nature. To understand this shocking theory, we sift it in everything from myth to science. Pt. 1 focus on its history, with points like: How ol...
  • Dr. Brooks Agnew - The Case for a Hollow Earth (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Here we discuss the effort to muster a North Pole expedition & review further indications supporting a HE theory, such as: What appeared when the red ice broke open? How can anyone locate the actual pole? What of the green & warm zones spotted? Is Ad...
  • Catherine Austin Fitts - Solutions in our Battle for Humanity
    Let's explore preserving civilization. Some themes raised: Why is it crucial to maintain, own, & enjoy art, beauty, & culture? Creativity: Antidote to negativity obsession? Cryptocurrency: Solution or trap? Universal Basic Income: Freedom or enslavem...
  • Gordon White - Stars, Music, & Magic: A New Model of Prehistory (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Rune Soup host, filmmaker, & author Gordon White drops by to argue his original yet ageless take on our prehistory. Some topics examined in part 1: How was ancient mind different? What are the main approaches to Genesis & how do they differ? Why is c...
  • Gordon White - Stars, Music, & Magic: A New Model of Prehistory (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Gordon walks us through further mysteries of distant past, among other matters: What's Pangaea, Gondwana, & Laurasia? What's the oldest inherited myths? Why Starships & Starlore? What's a magical view on history? What's the oldest archetypes? What do...
  • Michael Schratt - This is the Classified Space Program
    So what's the real SSP as opposed to the fantasy notion pushed by Gaia TV, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, & other conmen? Hear an expert give the adult treatment, discussing such points as: What cases points to covert tech? Whence & when did it begin? R...
  • Dr. Philip Deslippe - Kybalion Unmasked: 3 Initiates & 7 Cosmic Laws
    Deslippe has decoded the mysterious & influential publication Kybalion, today he joins us to reveal his findings. In Pt. 1 we look at its authorship & in Pt. 2 its spiritual principles. Some questions touched: Who's the 3 initiates? Who's Atkinson? W...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - JFK Reloaded: The Spider & The Deep State
    A timely show once electrocuted - now partly revived! A year before the recent JFK files release (indicating ties to Hitler's survival), Al raised this hypothesis with Jos: Could yet another motive for taking out JFK be his initiative to smoke out th...
  • Robert Bonomo - Occult Symbolism (Pt. 2 of 2: How it Enslaves you)
    In this part we examine how symbolism is abused for manipulation & suppression. Some topics raised: Why is Archetypes fundamental? How are they represented by various leaders? What's the secret of Hollywood/Pentagon movies? What's the nature of mytho...
  • Robert Bonomo - Occult Symbolism (Pt. 1 of 2: How it Liberates you)
    Film-maker Bonomo drops by the forum to help us understand symbology in light of his movie "The 21 Faces of God". Some questions raised: What's the origin of Tarot? What's its true order? What's the meaning of Archetypes? What's the nature of numbers...
  • Miguel Conner - Gnosis Reloaded: Mankind vs The Cosmic Deep State
    Gnosis is back - now invoked by Host of Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio, dealing with issues like: Who are the Archons? Why are they obstructing us? Who's the Demiurge? Who's Sophia & what happened to her? What's the Alien God? Why are we trapped? Who's feed...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Alchemy of Zero Point (Pt. 1 of 2: Particle Waves & Harmonic Scales)
    What's energy anyway? We go full exotic science with the good doc & in pt.1 debate such ideas as: Is it really free? Does it fit a scientific paradigm? Can we tap into other dimensions? Particles or Waves? What's Ether? What's Schrödinger's cat? Did ...
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Alchemy of Zero Point (Pt. 2 of 2: A Murky History of Inventions)
    Now we review some applications of Zero Point, among others: Did ancients use this energy? Why did this science go black after WW2? How can metaphysics & physics be reconciled? What's Soviet Mercury & Nazi Serum? What's the Philadelphia Experiment? W...
  • Wal Thornhill - This is our Electric Universe (Pt. 1 of 2: All Body Electric)
    The EU model has stroke our contemporary scientific cosmology like lightening, but what exactly does it declare? Wal joins the Forum to let us in on its geeky details. Some issues addressed: How did the model emerge? What's electricity? What has plas...
  • Wal Thornhill - This is our Electric Universe (Pt. 2 of 2: A Modern Galileo)
    In this part we examine how gate keepers in science & academia obstruct research. Some matters discussed: Why isn't science free? How is specialization problematic? Do we have collective PTSD? Why ought psychology be mandatory in science? Is science ...
  • Pigtail Girl - Pursuing Truth & Lies in New Age
    Meet host of UTube Channel "The Pursuit of Happiness", who help us debunk, advice, & reflect over issues in the "alternative" field - of which some are: Why can't new platforms replace youtube? Why's creativity so important? How to heal trauma, becom...
  • Tony Gosling - Advent of the Globalist Corpocracy
    We now live in a fascist Corpocracy. Gosling, an uncorrupted British Journalist, explains its historical backdrop: 1000's of nazis were used after WW2 to build CIA, NASA, NATO, EU, & Bilderberger. Their ally, the Bormann Brotherhood, simultaneously b...
  • Dr. Stephanie Lykes - Dark Places of Desire: Understanding Paraphilia (Pt. 1 of 3: The Sweetest Taboos)
    Today we speak with a sexologist to guide our effort to understand the human psyche, where we first probe the dark aspects and how they manifest in sexuality. Some of the issues explored: What's the 4 levels of sex? How to define paraphilia? What are...
  • Dr. Stephanie Lykes - Dark Places of Desire: Understanding Paraphilia (Pt. 2 of 3: More Blood, Sweat, & Tears)
    Our scrutiny of the prevalent dispositions subsist, among others: What's root psychology of age play? What ways do age become kink? Kink vs exploitation? Is love possible in uneven relationships? Why's youth celebrated? When is our sexual peak? What ...
  • Stephanie Lykes - Dark Places of Desire: Understanding Paraphilia (Pt. 3 of 3: I do see Colour) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 09 June 2019.Warning: Topic may shock & disgust (Race Play).
  • Freddy Silva - Absent Lands & Children of Anu
    Did you know that records of indigenous peoples are incredibly consistent across earth? So what do they say about our ancestors? What did they look like? Who's the giants, watchers, nephilim, shining ones, wisdom keepers, & anunnaki? Who's the gods? ...
  • Clif High - Secrets of the Digital World (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We continue to light up digital shadows, discussing: Is surveillance bulk or individual? Are there still real hackers? How did Blue Chicken Cult pollute webbot data? How is Big Tech rigging algorithms & deciding shadow banning? Do all OS have deep st...
  • Clif High - Secrets of the Digital World (Pt. 1 of 2)
    One year gone since this recording - yet everything is still true, only worse! Now Clif takes on issues falling within his day job purview - of which some in Pt. 1 are: Will the Chinese social credit system become global? How may 5-G be related to al...
  • Tim Hogan - Divulging of the Elements (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Come join our journey through existence! Whatever your level of understanding - whether you know it all or naught - you're guaranteed new angles in this discussion, which in pt. 1 deal with among other: Is there a specific order or does anything go? ...
  • Tim Hogan - Divulging of the Elements (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We take our unique decoding of the Cosmic pattern even further, discussing among other: What's the 5th element? Why do symbols matter? What's the underlying principles? What's key to the Elements? How's time & space related? What's the 4 bodies? What...
  • Scott Wolter - Templars in America (Pt. 1 of 3: Enter the Vikings)
    Brace yourself for a shocking mindblow! We begin down to earth in pt. 1 with topics like: What's the Kensington Runestone? Did hard science prove it's genuine? Why's it a big deal? Why's it driving debunkers into frenzy? Why's academics ignoring scie...
  • Scott Wolter - Templars in America (Pt. 2 of 3: Concealed Treasures & Recovered Journals)
    Now a bombshell: Apart from the Larmenius Charter showing the Templar lineage, & the Scrolls of Onteora showing the story of their treasures - now the journals of the Sinclair & Wemyss clans has been found. Some of the topics raised: What do they rev...
  • Scott Wolter - Templars in America (Pt. 3 of 3: The Hooked X & Heretic Lore)
    Now for a mind blowing final, revealing among other: How's the Runestone a land claim? What befell the various norse colonies in US, Canada, & Greenland? Why was Colombus in Iceland, 1477, & why did he vanish after? Did his 1492 fleet expect to meet ...
  • Andrew Currie - Solar System Anomalies (Pt. 1 of 2)
    This subject is extremely visual & hardly translate to audio conversation, yet our guest makes a good case for space anomalies. Some topics raised: What sources to the incredible footage? Where's the most finds? Are space agencies coming clean about ...
  • Andrew Currie - Solar System Anomalies (Pt. 2 of 2)
    For this part we've thrown together some coincidental imagery for basic illustration (@YouTube). We debate other players in the field of Space Anomalies, as well as address questions like: What's the weirdest finds? What's the top footage? Are some f...
  • Robert Bonomo - The Money Game: UBI, MMT, & The Corona Crash (Pt. 1 of 2)
    We're now in a new depression (NOT recession): Middle class eradicated, small business obliterated, multinational corporations bolts everything! So let's understand economy & reveal what MSM won't report, as in Pt. 1: What's debt? What's currency? Wh...
  • Robert Bonomo - The Money Game: UBI, MMT, & The Corona Crash (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We go deeper into the money mystery & touch topics like: What's the main econ schools? What of the black economy? Why's small business crushed? What's hurting the market? Is corporatism taking over? How does banking work? Why's monopoly harmful? Why'...
  • Dr. John Apsley - What you should know about the Pandemic
    So we took on the epidemic already within a month after the fact - amazingly most of the info herein is still valid - a sad sign of our confusion & lack of clarity despite a year of lockdown & hysteria. This show doesn't deal with economic or politic...
  • George Webb - Spooky Aspects of Covid-19 (Pt. 1 of 2)
    We have on a journalist who got his entire Youtube channel with 1000s of videos deleted within days after this interview, which was a year ago - yet most of this is still relevant. Some topics raised: What ties Wuhan lab to U.S. interests? What scena...
  • George Webb - Spooky Aspects of Covid-19 (Pt. 2 of 2)
    The investigation proceed with questions like: Who own the patents & profits? How's the worldwide biolabs connected across borders? Why's Africa always targeted? How are outbreaks used to steal resources? Why's bio poisoning always used in the spy wo...
  • Dr. Christopher McIntosh - Hyperborea: The Mystic North
    Now we turn to the Arctic area where the guest guide us through topics like: Did an advanced culture inhabit the ancient north? Where was Ultima Thule? Where did the northerners migrate & settle? Who were the Picts? Did ancients know Platonic Solids?...
  • Pigtail Girl - Sex, Love, & Tantra
    Pigtail Girl returns with advice on how to boost love - physically, emotionally, mentally, & spiritually. A few topics touched: What's the most essential factors for a thriving relationship? What's root cause of breakups? Why's it mostly initiated by...
  • Alex ”Skeptiko” Tsakiris - EVIL (Pt. 1 of 2: A Rose by any other Name)
    It's the oldest problem in the world, but how is it that all recognize evil when experienced, yet we can't agree what it is? Do metaphysical entities influence men? Do NDE show hell? Did MK-ULTRA discover split ego-states incite possession? Are there...
  • Alex ”Skeptiko” Tsakiris - EVIL (Pt. 2 of 2: Facing the Abyss)
    Now we jump INTO Pandora's Box to assess the hard problem of philosophy in its dark metaphysical aspects. Some issues discussed: Spirit Possession vs Free Will. What's scaring academics? Satan vs Lucifer. UAP vs Tulpa. Is Thelema evil? 2 existential ...
  • Richard Dolan - Disclosure Scenarios (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Dolan is back! Apart from debating his book AD, we dig into all present issues, like: Who to blame for the fake SSP vogue? Why has emotions & ego replaced data & logic? What happened at the 2017 MUFON symposium? Why's normal ppl in favour of censors...
  • Richard Dolan - Disclosure Scenarios (Pt. 2 of 2)
    In pt. 2 we go deeper, discussing among other: Are all special op progs & crash retrievels now in the hands of private corps? Why isn't the control total? Why many small revelations? Has the drip been forced by TTSA? Why so many sceptic to them yet ...
  • Dr. Joni Johnston - 4 ASPD’s walk into a bar...
    They walk among us. Mostly undetected. So let's look into them. Some of the questions raised with our Alienist guest: What's a personality disorder? What symptoms & how to recognize them? Are we all on the spectrum? Nature or nurture? What's moral in...
  • Truls Lie - Signs of the Media Times
    Meet the last honest editor-in-chief of old school newspaper in Norway. Some topics aired: Why did his report cause mass hysteria? When was media's Golden Age? What drives a genuine reporter? Is profit & emotion replacing criticism & fact? Why's free...
  • Hans Olav - Financial World Coup (Pt. 1 of 2: Our Economy is a Pyramid Scam)
    Turned whistleblower & reporter after a lifetime in the financial world, then set up by a rigged trial, our guest now share his insight into the crime syndicate of banksters, high finance, & econ hitmen. Some topics in pt. 1: Did the economy crash r...
  • Hans Olav - Financial World Coup (Pt. 2 of 2: We are ruled by Banksters & Oligarchs)
    In this part Olav shares his horrific experience being framed for Swiss bankers laundering & the take-down of Thule Drilling. We also touch issues like: Who did he whistleblow on? Is Assange & Snowden canaries in the mine? Why a two-tier court system...
  • Zan Perrion - The Beauty of Honest Seduction (Pt. 1 of 2: How to Become a Toy Cow)
    This show is prohibited for GIRLS! As we're spilling male secrets with an expert who's been around since the early PUA days teaching boys of all ages to become MEN. Some clues aired: Can anyone become natural? What's the 2 poles of masculine attracti...
  • Zan Perrion - The Beauty of Honest Seduction (Pt. 2 of 2: The Quest of Men)
    Now we finish our top secret (only for male ears) probing into attraction transformation with tidbits from Zan's particular brand of lifestyle coaching - touching everything from Viking libertinism to Grail Knights of the Sacred Feminine, like: What ...
  • Stacy James Fry - Mystics of the Maya (Pt. 1 of 3: The Calendar Scandal)
    Did you know that whoever converted the Mayan Calendar to end in 2012, made unforgivable basic mistakes? When calculating for Days out of Time the real expiration of our current age is: 2087! Will a gradual decline unfold towards the transition to a...
  • Stacy Fry - Mystics of the Maya (Pt. 2 of 3: The Sundance Kids)
    Was there relations between Egypt & Maya? Did they have a concept of Zero? What's the Sundance ritual? Why's academia ignoring the ancient calendar? Is El Mirador pyramid the world's largest? Are there 100's of buried cities? Why were city states bu...
  • Miguel Conner - Gnostic Revolutions: Sex, Psychonautics, & The Sacred Feminine
    Miguel returns to lead us further down the gnostic rabbit hole, with points like: Was man originally 1 gender? Is Sophia a resurrection of the divine feminine? Do the bible have traces of her? What befell Lilith, the first female? Who raped Eve & w...
  • Arvid Ystad - The Norse Roots of Freemasonry (Pt. 1 of 2)
    Today we drop a bombshell: Has Norse religion survived as the 3 basic Freemasonic degrees of the "Blue Lodge"? Curiously there's evidence to indicate this. In pt. 2 we reveal the rituals and investigate essence & symbolism to compare with norse trad...
  • Arvid Ystad - The Norse Roots of Freemasonry (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Now we review more of the evidence itself, exposing Freemason rituals comparing mutual elements with Norse trad. Some issues raised: Was Guild original a spiritual assembly? Do we have Norse halls with symbolism of the Craft? Did they share akin ritu...
  • Anthony Peake - Cracking Reality: Daimons, Avatars, & Egregores (Pt. 1 of 2)
    WARNING: This show blows up paradigm walls (especially in pt. 2) to decode strata of reality. A few of the points in pt. 1: What's the invisible creatures? What relation to UFO's? Do life forms exist at EM frequencies beyond visible range? Can archet...
  • Anthony Peake - Cracking Reality: Daimons, Avatars, & Egregores (Pt. 2 of 2)
    We smash the final cracks at the existential mirrors, with topics such as: Can who master to navigate reality enter a more optimal timeline? Is civililization rigged to reset once a critical mass see through the illusions? Will time slow down upon de...
  • Dr. Robert Glover - Eliminate Mr. Nice Guy!
    Dr. Glover drops by to clue boys into the world of Men. He cracked the "Nice Guy" syndrome & has the tools to fix it. Some of the pointers discussed: What litmus test to know you're a nice guy? Good men, bad boys, & nice guys. Simps, wussies, & incel...
  • Laurence Caruana - Gnostic Resurrections (Pt. 1 of 2: Malta, Yeshua, & Forgotten Scriptures)
    We journey back to early scriptures to assess their meaning free from dogma. Some issues touched: What's the Order of Malta? Why's ritual & symbol crucial? Did Paul plot to ruin the Jesus cult? What's the Q source? How did the Church Fathers compil...
  • Dr. Diana Muir - The Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair (Pt. 1 of 2)
    This is the story of an outstanding discovery of the lost notebooks of the Sinclair & Wemyss lineage, now brought to the public for the FIRST TIME ever, & which contents shatter many dogmas of history! Pt. 1 accounts for how it was found & almost lo...
  • Dr. Diana Muir - The Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair (Pt. 2 of 2)
    Now we examine the subsequent volumes of the diaries, looking into what happened when they tried to move the Templar treasure to the western banks. When, where, & how many times did they travel? Did Zeno bring treasure from Venice? How many stayed b...
  • Ole Dammegård - Operation Yggdrasil: The Palme Cobweb
    Welcome to a true crime thriller episode, involving everything from geopolitic players to local junkies, in this full expose of the world's biggest murder mystery: Olof Palme was the Swedish P.M. who often went against the global power elite and ende...
  • Nick Cook - Pentagon‘s Biggest Secret
    Public awareness of Die Glocke (Nazi Bell) came 20 years ago with our guest's hunt for Zero Point as presented in his innovative book. Hear his journey thru the classified black world, probing such topics as: Was the Škoda Works of the 3rd Reich thei...
  • Mark Stavish - Hacking Egregores (Pt. 1 of 2: Watching the Watchers)
    Stavish joins the Forum to enlighten us on invisible affairs, for example: Demonology or psychology? How does collective consciousness work? What's the 3 distinct definitions? What's the connection to Cults, Tulpa's, UAP's, & Archetypes? How's it a...
  • Mark Stavish - Hacking Egregores (Pt. 2 of 2: Paradise Lost)
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 09 June 2021.
  • Thor Elptirdalr - What you should know about Vikings
    Facts are clouded by popular fiction series like "Vikings" & other media portraying Scandinavians of yore. So today a fellow Norseman help clarify the actual Viking history, culture, & religion. We review some main characters, events, & traditions, c...
  • Randall Carlson - When the Earth nearly Died
    The Geomythologist par excellence visits us to account for the indisputable reality of Catastrophism. We ask: Why so few overt traces of prehistoric civilizations? How advanced were they? How fast was the deglaciation? Is Climate Change sign of an im...
  • Stacy Fry - Mystics of the Maya (Pt. 3 of 3: Forbidden Powers) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 03 December 2020.
  • Rick Davy - Who is No. One? (Act 1: Once upon a time) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 26 July 2021NB! Optimal Chronological Order: 1. Arrival 2. Dance of the Dead 3. Free for All 4. Checkmate 5. The Chimes of Big Ben 6. Schizoid Man 7. T...
  • Alex Tsakiris (& friends) - The Skeptiko Journey (Pt. 1 of 2: Debunking Debunkers) 15th Y Anniversary Show - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 24 Jan 2022
  • Alex Tsakiris (& friends) - The Skeptiko Journey (Pt. 2 of 2: Paradigm Expansion) 15th Y Anniversary Show - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 24 Jan 2022
  • Ole Dammegård - Fishy Aspects of July 22 - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 28 June 2021
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - 4th Reich End Game (Pt. 1 of 2: The Octopus of Fascist Cartels) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 19 October 2021.
  • Laurence Caruana - Gnostic Resurrections (Pt. 2 of 2: From Apocrypha to Art) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 18 March 2021.
  • Robert Bonomo - The Case for Bitcoins (Pt. 1 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 22 February 2022
  • Mark Gober - The Case for Freedom (Pt. 1 of 2: Everything is Upside Down) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 23 January 2022
  • Steven ”Recluse” Snider - Beyond Epstein (Pt. 1 of 2: Private Power Networks & Deep State Players) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 15 December 2021
  • Mark Stavish - The Secret of Secrets (How to survive death) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on YouTube. Recorded: 7 October 2021
  • Catherine Austin Fitts - Timeline of a Global Takeover - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on the Video Platforms. Recorded: 10 July 2020
  • Dr. Fiona Moore - Who is No. One? (Act 2: Many happy returns) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. Full info will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 09 Nov 2021 NB! Optimal Chronological Order: 1. Arrival 2. Dance of the Dead 3. Free for All 4. Checkmate 5. The Chimes of Big Ben ...
  • Steven ”Recluse” Snider - Beyond Epstein (Pt. 2 of 2: Epstein didn’t kill himself) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 15 December 2021
  • Mark Gober - The Case for Freedom (Pt. 2 of 2: The X Factor) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 23 January 2022
  • Loren Jeffries - A Native Elder on Ancient Mysteries (Pt. 1 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 9 December 2021Here you can get the book: It sounds like I'm saying Columbus and his brother sold this...
  • Dr. Riz Virk - This is the Simulated Universe Model - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 11 July 2022
  • Dr. Haraldur Erlendsson - What you should know about Psychedelics - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 16 July 2022
  • Erling Strand - Portal of High Strangeness: Hessdalen Lights - Key to UAP? - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 16 October 2022
  • Johnny Vedmore - Who is Uncle Klaus? (Pt. 1 of 2: Meet the Old Guard) - PRE-RELEASE
    Topic: Klaus Schwab, WEF, & The Great Reset.Recorded: 16 November 2022This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms.
  • Dr. Brooks Agnew - Anatomy of the U.S. Deep State - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 17 May 2019
  • Loren Jeffries - A Native Elder on Ancient Mysteries (Pt. 2 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 9 December 2021
  • Dr. Victoria Jones - What you should know about Bitcoin (Pt. 1 of 2: End Game: Class War & the Great Reset Plot) - PRE-RELEASE
    Recorded: 7 December 2022This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms.
  • Jim McQuiston - New Atlantis: The Templar Project at Oak Island (Pt. 1 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release. All show notes will come when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 8 December 2022
  • David Sereda - UAP's Explained (Pt. 1 of 3: NASA vs Pac-Man) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 22 November 2022
  • Robert Bonomo - The Case for Bitcoins (Pt. 2 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 22 February 2022
  • Walter Cruttenden III - Dark Star (Antediluvia, Time Cycles, & Missing Planets) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 October 2022
  • Johnny Vedmore - Who is Uncle Klaus? (Pt. 2 of 2: Welcome to New Swabia) - PRE-RELEASE
    Topic: Klaus Schwab, WEF, & The Great Reset.This is a pre-release to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 16 November 2022
  • David Sereda - UAP's Explained (Pt. 2 of 3: Holes in Heaven) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 22 November 2022
  • Dr. Haraldur Erlendsson - Esoteric Island: A Hidden History of the Norse - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S08 E09 only to the podcast platforms. All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 7 July 2022
  • Dr. Victoria Jones - What you should know about Bitcoin (Pt. 2 of 2: Outcome: How Bitcoin will oust Fiat & Crypto) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S08 E24 only to the podcast platforms. All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 7 Descember 2022
  • Stacy James - Forgotten Roots (Pt. 1 of 3: The Aether) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S07 E17 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.The Image slides will appear on the video version of this show.Recorded: 16 June 2021Series: Tesla - Man of Light
  • Walter Bosley - The Nameless Ones (NYMZA & the early Space Program) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S08 E15 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 15 November 2022Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Jim McQuiston - New Atlantis: The Templar Project at Oak Island (Pt. 2 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S08 E26 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 8 December 2022Series: From Solomon's Temple to Arcadia
  • Katherine Chiljan - Shakespeare Unmasked (Act I: The Case for Oxford) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S08 E18 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 21 November 2022Series: From Solomon's Temple to Arcadia
  • Stacy James - Forgotten Roots (Pt. 2 of 3: The Kitegeist) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S07 E18 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 16 June 2021Series: Tesla - Man of Light
  • Howard "Howdie" Mickoski - Escaping the Mortal Coil (Pt. 1 of 3: Fragments of Kemetic Survival) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E07 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 21 Feb 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
  • Ralph Blumenthal - UFOhs! Revisited - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E05 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 12 Jan 2023Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Whitney Webb - Epstein & The Intel Crime Syndicate (Pt. 1 of 2: Operation Underworld) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E10 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 April 2023Series: Frontline Dissidents
  • Jimmy Dore - Truth to Power
    The release of this episode has been fast-tracked due to Jimmy's ongoing comedy tour. With not much disagreement between us, we state the obvious facts regarding various current affairs, like: What's Jimmy's background? What does it take to be smeared? What's Oslo Freedom Forum? Is immigration regulation racist? Is the US still a democracy? What's the status of Free Speech? What's the main source of disinformation? Is the right-left dichotomy dead? Which lies were we fed about Covid? Are those screaming about fascism the real fascists? Is bitcoin a tool for liberation? And get your tickets to Jimmy's stand-up here: :: :: ::All episodes are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts, disabling ad-block at our vids - or donate and subscribe to our website ( which gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips.:: :: :: ::* Truth to Power - A conversation with Jimmy Dore (S10E08)* © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any way without permission.* Guest: Comedian James Patrick Anthony Dore (​).* Recorded: 7 March 2024.* Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©* This Program is part of our fifth series called FRONT-LINE DISSIDENTS (
  • Stacy James - Forgotten Roots (Pt. 3 of 3: The Steampunk) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S07 E19 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 16 June 2021Series: Tesla - Man of Light
  • Howard "Howdie" Mickoski - Escaping the Mortal Coil (Pt. 2 of 3: Blood Moon Illusion) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E08 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 21 February 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
  • Alex Tsakiris - Truth Quest (Pt. 1 of 2: From Josephus to Paulus) - PRE-RELEASE
    Alex is back in his traditional annual visit to throw his typical philosophical monkey wrench onto the scene, which results in a discussion about the historical Jesus.This is a pre-release of S09 E16 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 September 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
  • Anthony Peake - The End of Time (Pt. 1 of 2: Loosing Chronos) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S10 E04 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 18 January 2024Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
  • Steven "Recluse" Snider - A Century of PSYOPS - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E25 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 20 November 2023Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - Endstage SSP - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E14 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 28 August 2023Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Whitney Webb - Epstein & The Intel Crime Syndicate (Pt. 2 of 2: Follow the Money) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09 E11 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 April 2023Series: Front-Line Dissidents
  • Lyn Ulbricht - Ross against the Machine - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S07-E06 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 23 February 2021Series: Frontline Dissidents
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Debt of Babylon: Cycles, Money, & Battle for Liberty (Pt. 1 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09-E23 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 13 November 2023Series: Understanding Economics
  • Dr. Robert Epstein - What you should know about Gøøgle - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S10-E06 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 January 2024.Series: Frontline Dissidents.
  • John Michael Greer - Political Magix - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09-E15 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 6 September 2023.Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy.
  • Dr. Andrew Paquette - The Science of Election Rigging (Pt. 1 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    Attention! Please share this program wide and far before the U.S. presidential election. The mechanism for systemic fraud which is revealed by this breakthrough research is still in play, so people need to become aware of it since sunlight is the best disinfectant.This is a pre-release of S10-E01 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 4 January 2024.Series: Frontline Dissidents.
  • Dr. Andrew Paquette - The Science of Election Rigging (Pt. 2 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    Attention! This should be shared with anyone in denial about the undemocratic and systemic election fraud which is scientifically documented as outlined in this program. Awareness is the best medicine against those who disrespect the voice of the people with their dirty thumbs on the scale.Good luck with your elections, America!This is a pre-release of S10-E02 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 4 January 2024.Series: Frontline Dissidents.
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Debt of Babylon: Cycles, Money, & Battle for Liberty (Pt. 2 of 2) - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S09-E24 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 13 November 2023Series: Understanding Economics
  • Dr. Michael Paul Masters - Humans from the Future - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S10-E15 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 14 May 2024Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Dr. Joseph Farrell - The Hess Mess Enigma (Pt. 2 of 2: Double Trouble)
    This is a pre-release of S04-E12 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 9 July 2018Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
  • Philippa Faulks Lee - Cagliostro: Enigma & Martyr - PRE-RELEASE
    This is a pre-release of S07-E10 only to the podcast platforms.All episode notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 20 March 2021Series: Profiling
  • Alex Tsakiris - Truth Quest (Pt. 2 of 2: The Mind of God) - PRE-RELEASE
    This second part is more philosophical than historical, but Al explores the historical Jesus in his post commentary and makes an offer to the website subscribers...This is a pre-release of S09 E17 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 September 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy