

DarkCompass brings you some of the best New Independent and Unsigned Music Every Week, from around the world.

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  • DarkCompass 1224 Sept 6th 2024 – Untie Jasmin
    New music from Kalandra, Ghostheart Nebula, Brant Bjork Trio and more Broadcast on Hard RockDarkCompass 1224 Sept 6th 2024 – Untie Jasmin
  • DC1223 Light too, Shall Pass
    This week, a lot of Post Metal, Black Metal, and long tracks from Evig Natt,DC1223 Light too, Shall Pass
  • DC1222 Godspeed Danger
    New tracks from Mandragora, Suckertrap, Mojothunder and Cortez
  • DC1221 Time Echo
    New Tunes from Grave Robber, Bldsugr, Mourning Wood and more. Broadcast on Hard Rock HellDC1221 Time Echo
  • DC1220 Pulling My Denial
    New music from Helle, Enmy, Exist Immortal and more. Broadcast on Hard Rock Hell RadioDC1220 Pulling My Denial
  • DC1218 Nomad Bargain
    This weeks show is no exception with some anarchic punk, alt metal, post metal, and doom! … DC1218 Nomad Bargain