Geopolitics & EmpireNews, Politics
Geopolitics & EmpireNews, Politics
Geopolitics & EmpireNews, Politics
Geopolitics & EmpireNews, Politics


Geopolitics & Empire

  • 7SEES: Unweaving the Globalist Spider Web!
    7SEES discusses his research into mapping out the inner workings of the global elite, their plans for implementing technocratic dictatorship, false heroes and Pyrrhic victories, how alternative media has been set back decades,
  • AJ (Open Minds): Cultivating International Perspective, Globalism, & Going Back to Self
    AJ discusses living an international life and how that has enabled him to develop a broader perspective which allows him to see things differently. We get his take on the global elite and their plans for world domination, civilizational cycles,
  • Michelle Stiles: We’re Propagandized & “Idea Bullied” to No End
    Michelle Stiles discusses her excellent book "One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda" where she describes how we are being "idea bullied" and that the elite have a near all-encompassing grip on information at all levels of s...
  • Fox Green: Bioregionalism Dismantling Nation State & Paving Way for World State
    Fox Green discusses "bioregionalism" and apparent decentralized localist movements whose true hidden purpose is to dismantle the nation state, create feudal city-states, and pave way for the world state. Ecological, theosophic,
  • Richard Solomon: As West Declines, Will China Fold to Globalism or Retain Civilizational State?
    Richard Solomon discusses his Tao guidebook and spiritual technology on navigating our times (e.g. the "Satanic matrix"). China is rising and it remains to be seen if Beijing capitulates to the one world order or whether it retains its civilizational s...
  • Cognitive Dissidents: A New Dollar, World Peace (or War) & Dodgy DOGE
    The Cognitive Dissidents discuss gold, bitcoin, war, the technocracy, and more! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin/ Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Cognitive Dissidents: A New Dollar, World Peace (or War) & Dodgy DOGE #8
  • Tillman Holloway: The Future Will Be One of Blockchains, CBDCs, and Cryptocurrencies
    Tillman Holloway of discusses all things bitcoin and cryptocurrency, how crypto maxis are most loyal to the coin that's made them the most money, bitcoin as digital gold, altcoins, investing in cryptocurrency including with his automated...
  • John Klyczek: Is Trump Dismantling the Dept of Ed or Is He Streamlining Ed-Technocracy?
    John Klyczek discusses his deep research into what the Trump administration is doing with education. On one hand, it appears Washington is looking to downsize or eliminate the Department of Education. On the other hand,
  • Gabriel Custodiet & Urban Hacker: AI as Dangerous Servant, Can Skynet Become Self-Aware?
    Gabriel Custodiet and Urban Hacker of Escape The Technocracy discuss their new course on Artificial Intelligence (which can be purchased via Geopolitics & Empire). They are skeptical of AI but believe it's important to understand the technology and lea...
  • Hügo Krüger: Trump & PayPal Mafia’s Attack on South Africa
    Hügo Krüger discusses Washington's attack on South Africa which also features the weaponization of South Africa's own diaspora against it, namely the PayPal Mafia (e.g. Musk, Sacks, Thiel). The contention centers around foreign policy (e.g.
  • Emmanuel Daniel: Moving Toward the Digital Financialization of Everything
    Emmanuel Daniel discusses the great financial transition and how America is leading the way in globalizing cryptocurrency by digitizing the dollar and how debt will play a key role. He comments on everything from memecoins, gold,
  • Tyler O’Neil: Deep State Dark Money Setting Leftist Agenda Via Woketopus
    Tyler O'Neil discusses his book "The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government" on how the deep state's dark money has been setting a leftist agenda in the United States. The tentacles of the liberal globalist administrative s...
  • Christina Werner: Vote With Your Dollars, Spend On Businesses That Value Freedom
    Christina Werner of Public Square discusses parallel economy and solutions to the cancel culture and censorship of globalism. Starving the beast and taking our money elsewhere is essential. Her team has developed a public digital marketplace to help bu...
  • Ricoh Danielson: Growing Cyber Insecurity & Coming U.S. Airstrikes on Cartels in Mexico
    Ricoh Danielson discusses the world of cybersecurity, cyber threats, and threat actors. Our identity data is readily available, manipulable, and sold which requires people to lower their digital footprint and practice good privacy.
  • Jacob Nordangård: It’s a Rockefeller World Order!
    Author Jacob Nordangård discusses his must-read book "Rockefeller: Controlling the Game" on the family's bid for global domination and its pivotal role in constructing an authoritarian world government. -
  • Sterlin Lujan: Cyberstates, Network States, & Digital Parallel Societies
    *This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: - Sterlin Lujan discusses network states, parallel societies,
  • Aaron Day: Fighting the Coming World Government Technocracy
    *This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: - Aaron Day discusses in-depth the technocratic global government plann...
  • John Bush: The Technocratic Agenda & Creating an Alternative Future
    *This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: - John Bush discusses the technocratic threat and the work he does at h...
  • John C.A. Manley: Dystopian Love Stories & Science Fiction in the Age of Corona
    *This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: - Author John C.A. Manley discusses his fantastic dystopian and science...
  • Dan Astin-Gregory: We’re Facing a Global Cultural Totalitarianism
    *This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: - Dan Astin-Gregory discusses the struggle against global tyranny and "...