Theology CentralNews
Theology CentralNews
Theology CentralNews
Theology CentralNews


A Look at the world from a theological perspective. This is done through News commentary, Bible studies, theological discussion and church history studies. New content added on a regular basis so check for new episodes each day.

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  • Repentance and Confusion Pt 2
    I continue with my review of a sermon on repentance
  • Repentance Confusion Pt 1
    I review a sermon about repentance.
  • Prayer, Tragedy, and Sovereignty Pt 2
    We continue our discussion about some very troubling questions
  • Prayer, Tragedy, and Sovereignty Pt 1
    We dive into some very difficult and troubling questions
  • A Riddle About Prayer and Praise
    A discussion about a riddle in regards to prayer and praise
  • God’s Providence Pt 2
    We continue our study of God’s providence
  • God’s Providence Pt 1
    We begin our study of God’s Providence
  • God’s Providence: Introduction
    An introduction to our next major topic of study, God’s providence
  • Sermons and Anger
    I reflect on my anger and Ephesians 4:26
  • America: A Christian Nation?
    We review part of a sermon that argues America is a Christian nation
  • God and America
    We look briefly at another response to the Trump shooting and I review a sermon about God blessing America
  • Trump Shooting and Civil War
    A look at another response to the Trump shooting
  • Another Trump Shooting Response
    We listen to another response to the Trump shooting
  • God’s Decrees and the Trump Shooting
    A look at God’s decrees and providence in connection to the shooting of Donald Trump
  • A Response To The Shooting of Donald Trump
    A look at a response to the shooting of Donald Trump
  • Psalm 83 Pt 10
    We continue our study of Psalm 83
  • Psalm 83 Pt 9
    We continue our study of Psalm 83
  • Donald Trump Shot
    A discussion about the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump
  • Psalm 83 and the Arab Spring
    More confusing discussion about Psalm 83
  • 10 Minute Bible Studies
    I highlight a broadcast on the Sermons 2.0 App