Talk 4 Podcasting
Talk 4 Podcasting
Talk 4 Podcasting
Talk 4 Podcasting


The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU
Drawing close to the Almighty Creator

Detailed discussion of what it takes to develop a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, otherwise known as “The LORD” and “God”.

The show will share little known principles in drawing close to the Almighty such that He eventually calls you His Friend.

We will also discuss diverse topics that are necessary to living life to the standards that are necessary to have such a relationship with the Creator and overcoming issues.

Relationship With Creator is broadcast live Fridays 12Noon – 1PM ET and Music on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( Relationship With Creator is viewed on Talk 4 TV (

Relationship With Creator Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (, Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.

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  • About Yahooshua {Jesus}
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