

Two guys discuss Classic pinball with an emphasis on pre 1997 pinball machines.

  • #125 david@pintasticne - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Dave and George welcome David Marston, Executive of Pintastic New England. George has a bunch of stuff including a flipper upgrade. Dave tells another wild repair story about a home edition Star Wars from Stern.
  • #124 Captain Fantastic - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Elton John’s 1976 Bally Captain Fantastic. Listener letters and news. Captain Fantastic review and play. Dave’s stories from the field. Bonus feature: If you want it, you can have it.
  • #123 - I saw the light - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Chimes. Targets. Bulbs. Bulk repairs. Buck Rogers revisited. Rectifiers. Stats. Thumb. Nip it. Next months game.Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
  • #122 Nineball - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    We begin with a couple of items from Australia submitted by our friend Grant. Review and gameplay of Sterns 1980 pinball Nineball. Dave has his list. Lots of additional classic Sterns discussed. Quick take and gameplay on Buck Rogers. Merry Christmas. TheClassicPinball podcast1@gmail.com
  • #121 Taxi - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Taxi review. Tony the customer arrives to pick up game. Taxi gameplay. Corrections and clarifications. Old and new business. Puck bowlers again. Playfields for sale. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
  • #120.1 Dolly Parton - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Dolly Parton. White Rose review. Game prices. Ringer. What’s up Doc? Strike Master. Thanks Vic. Alice.SORRY. Gameplay from recording was inadvertently left out. Start 16:45. End 31:00 for those listeners who tuned in day one.
  • #119 Island Pinball - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Dave visits Martha’s Vineyard for several pinball repairs. One home collection of 12 DMD games is serviced. KISS. Spider-Man. Super Nova. Dark Rider. Dolly Parton. White Rose show. Upcoming episodes.
  • #118 Haggmess - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Haggis. World Poker Tour. Nugent. Godzilla. Bonus Feature: Shango Axe.
  • #117 Embryon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    In this episode the boys discuss and play Embryon. Commentary on John Wick and Blues Brothers. Bonus feature: Embryon from the archives (2019)
  • #116 Pinfest 24 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Better late than never. Highlights from PINFEST. Interview with Pinfest promoter Ivan. Listeners chime in about Pintastic episode. Another Centaur story. Counterforce, Air Aces, 50/50 and more. Bonus feature: Mark from Pinnovators.
  • #115 Pintastic 24 review
    Eric Stone Jaws. Elton John gameplay. Fire Drill. The bands. Pinball Tycoon interview. Brian Hawkins T2. The games. The Grand Finale. Bonus feature: Dave and Eric. 1 on 1.
  • #114 Pintastic 24 preview - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Old news. Primus. Dominoes. Stone Jaws. Home brews. Craft brews. Pinbrewfest with Keith Campanelli. What’s up doc? Pintastic preview.
  • #113 Bram Stokers Dracula - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    PJ. BSD. Highwayman. Quick discussion Pintastic. Liability and Responsibility of Pinball Techs. What’s up Doc? Pickers and pick-ups: Centaur, Spirit of 76, Grand Prix. BSD gameplay. Mailcall. Bonus feature: Pinball Saturday night.
  • #112 Spirit of 76 Grand Prix - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    We have a double feature. Dave takes us through his latest restoration with Gottlieb Spirit of 76. But before we get there we have a variety of pinball topics to discuss. Grants Christmas present revealed. Bally sound boards. Oyster trip. Whats up Doc? We get to a second game, Williams Grand Prix. Surprise call and discussion about Glimmerhold Arcade. Bonus feature: calling Dr. Dave.
  • #111 December - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Mirco. R U A Performer? Looney Tunes. The Crusher. Animation Cells. What’s up Doc? Nick Dangerous. Crickets. Bill Burr. Happy New Year. A December to remember.
  • #110 Disorder in the house - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    This is the episode that almost wasn’t. Dave and George talk about a variety of pinball topics. What’s up doc? Centaur rears it’s ugly head yet again. The guys record an additional segment to explain recording issues and new adventures. No bell? WTF? Bonus feature: Dave interviews Jon Jolly. Jon owns an oyster business, a couple of pins, and is a reggae musician. Something a little different. Enjoy!
  • #109 Night Rider - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    The boys get back to business and do a review of Bally Night Rider. Several listener emails. What’s up doc? Bonus feature: Maltese Brewing. The Houston Arcade and Pinball Expo interview with founder Keith Christensen
  • #108 Pintastic 2023 debrief - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    The guys do an impromptu recording in the media room at Pintastic and you never know who will show up. TANKS for the memories. Interview with Brian Hawkins on his award winning em Wizard. Winners, we have winners. Then an off the rails conversation with world champ Eric Stone. A quick hit with Steve Zahler and then a post show wrap up. Plus….Bonus Feature post tournament wrap up between Dave and Eric Stone. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
  • #107 Pintastic 2023 Preview - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Dave starts by telling us about the 30 pinball machines he has serviced in the last 5 weeks. George then leads the discussion reviewing all the games to date that will be in the free play area of the Pintastic show. There once was a game from Nantucket…….Several emails and some additional show items are talked about.
  • #106 Centaur re-examined. - The Classic Pinball Podcast
    Does it ever go away? Dave talks about John Day taking in Dave’s customers Centaur to fix 2 remaining issues. What’s up Doc? Dave gets emails, George gets crickets. Pascal. John Jolly. Road trips. Part 2: Centaur fix with John Day. Centaur revisited discussion. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com