Carey ParkerTechnology
Carey ParkerTechnology


A Podcast on Computer Security & Privacy for Non-Techies

  • Please Quit Chrome
    Google's Chrome browser has dominated the planet - both on desktop computers and mobile devices. Furthermore, many other popular web browsers are actually based on the same Google-made Chromium browser engine,
  • The Rise of CBDC
    AI has been grabbing all the tech headlines, but cryptocurrency is still innovating and changing. One of the primary goals of cryptocurrency was to be decentralized and therefore not controlled by governments like fiat currency.
  • Just Do It: Freeze Your Credit
    You've heard people like me recommend this for years. It's time to just do it: freeze your credit report. There are really no downsides at this point. For example, it's now free everywhere in the US, by law.
  • Protecting Kids Online
    There's a lot of nasty stuff online - things we would prefer our kids not see, at least not until they're mature enough to handle it. Our elected representatives have proposed various regulations to try to protect kids online,
  • Answering Listener Questions
    Today I answer some of the most interesting listener questions from the past several months, including: how to do you get SMS 2FA codes while traveling abroad; should I periodically change all my passwords; how do hackers attack IoT devices inside my h...
  • He Said She Said
    Today I talk with Justin and Jodi Daniels about that state of privacy today, how we can help consumers and companies better understand the importance of privacy and security, and how companies are dealing with these aspects internally.
  • Account Security is Broken
    Passwords, two-factor authentication and even passkeys don't matter if you can access someone's account by answering three simple account recovery questions. Also, just about every account today has a way to reset your password,
  • Health Data Privacy
    The United States has no general data privacy laws. However, we do have some sector-specific regulations, including HIPAA for health data. But there are many misconceptions about HIPAA. For example, the "P" in HIPAA does not stand for Privacy - it stan...
  • Backing Up 2FA Seeds
    Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a fantastic way to improve the security of your online accounts. However, if you lose access to the device containing your authenticator app, you may lose access to your 2FA-protected accounts.
  • How Our Data is Abused
    With the rise of IoT and tracking technologies (both online and in the real word), we are generating staggering amounts of highly personal information. This massive trove of juicy data has drawn the attention of several interested parties outside the r...
  • Mitigating AI Risks
    Artificial Intelligence is the buzzword of the day. Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, there has been a flood of AI-based tools and services. Many tech firms are racing to build AI into their products without considering the consequences,
  • Car Privacy is Horrid
    Modern cars are chock full of sensors and connected to the internet via built-in cellular modems. That's a recipe for massive data collection. Last September, Mozilla's Privacy Not Included team released a blockbuster report how much data our cars were...
  • Avoiding Tax Scams
    It's tax time here again in the USA, and therefore it's also time for tax scams. I'll explain how to recognize common tax scams, how to respond to them, how to prevent scammers from taking over your IRS account and even filing fraudulent tax returns in...
  • Securing Your Mac
    Are Macs really safer than PCs? What should you do to make your Mac more secure? How do you know if your Mac has a virus? And how do you know which security apps you can trust? I'll dig into all of these questions and more today with Mac security guru ...
  • Data Privacy Week 2024
    While every week is Data Privacy Week here at Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons, the rest of the world stops to join us in focusing on how and why to protect your personal data. I'll give you some of my top privacy tips and refer you to a lot of top privacy...
  • Rise of the Slaughterbots
    Drones are everywhere today. Cheap and tiny accelerometers, gyroscopes and processors have allowed us to create drones that anyone can afford and everyone can fly. Drones have been used by law enforcement and military forces,
  • New Year’s Resolutions: 2024
    The new year is here! And I've got a handful of solid tips for you that you should absolutely plan to accomplish in 2024! I also have a lot of news to catch you up on: 23andMe blames its customers for their data breach; Burger King in Brazil using f...
  • Investigating Data Leaks
    Data breaches are usually produced by hackers looking for financial gain. Data leaks, on the other hand, are usually published by whistleblowers or perhaps accidentally disclosed via negligence. Journalists today are inundated by such data leaks - to t...
  • Best of 2023 Bonus Content
    Every week, I record a special, private bonus podcast for my patrons. Until today, all of that content was restricted to my supporters. But today I've got a sampler platter of some of the best snippets from my bonus Q&A with my interview guests,
  • Classic Replay: Lavabit
    Today, I dip back into the archives to bring you a classic interview from the first year of this podcast. In Episode 21 (Aug 2017) I interviewed Ladar Levison, the founder of the secure email service Lavabit.