1 - Generation Gap
Shownotes Leila's Notes How I perceive people by age. Boomers- "back in my day" mentality with no real intent on learning new ways or innovating, "kids these days", don't like the internet.Gen X- supposedly "don't care" but are the loudest on the internet about "not caring", hose water, dirt, Eminem, think they are the best thing to ever exist.Millennials- Disney, the real beginning of internet culture and usage of social media, always judge their past for being "cringe" even when it was just culture at that moment, parents of gen alpha, Taylor Swift.Gen Z- glued to their phones, pop culture, idolize celebrity's, judge everyone for everything, impacted by covid in their school years leading to further problems, never really take the time to research something.Alpha- kids of millennials and few gen z, raised with the internet always with them, always dogged on for being dumb and dependent on the internet, Sephora kids. David's Notes How I perceive people by age. Boomers-Set in their ways, some of which are good, but some are not. Strong "We have always done it this way" mentality.Gen X-The best ever, no one better. Strong "I'll do it my way" mentality. Straddled the digital divide, young enough to know how computers work, old enough to not trust them.Millennials-A little entitled, but they want to do the right thing. Strong "fairness of outcome" mentalityGen Z-Sensitive to a fault. Scared to rock the boat, leading to being pushovers. Rarely question authority. Strong "social justice" mentality, but there is definitely a string of rebellion in there too. The "edgy" will be strong with these kids.Alpha-Not a lot of interaction with them, so limited judgement. Current Events https://www.salon.com/2024/12/30/flags-will-fly-at-half-mast-to-honor-jimmy-carter-during-inauguration/ US Flag to be flown at half staff on inauguration day.https://www.showallegiance.com/blogs/american-flag/a-guide-to-flying-the