Maxwell Boakye, MD MPHEducation, Science
Maxwell Boakye, MD MPHEducation, Science
Maxwell Boakye, MD MPHEducation, Science
Maxwell Boakye, MD MPHEducation, Science


I am Dr. Max Boakye, Neurosurgeon, and Neuroscientist, currently Professor of Neurosurgery, Chief of Spinal Neurosurgery, Director of Quality Improvement, and Clinical Director of the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Center. I interview leading neuroscientists, health administrators, neurosurgeons, educators, neuro and spine health care experts, and patients in this show. How do we optimize our brain and spine health, prevent aging brain and memory deterioration? What to do when something goes wrong, how best to heal and recover injured brain and back? How do we optimize our inpatient neuro|spine care in hospitals and provide more value-based care- prevent errors, improve quality, and improve patient satisfaction? How do we teach better and better train doctors? Which hospitals offer the best neuro and spine care: why and how? We present the most innovative emerging research that will impact neuro|spine care. Join us as we delve one on one and have insightful conversations with exciting researchers and experts, voices who have something to teach, enlighten and inspire us about Optimal neuro|spine.