Tom Griff
Tom Griff


One Foot in the Podcast is delighted to present to you a whole back catalogue of deep-dive discussions on every single episode of this sensational, surreal and hilarious sitcom. One Foot royalty guests include: Creator & Writer David Renwick; Susie Belbin; Chris Gernon; Art Director, Richard Drew; Richard Wilson; Doreen Mantle; Owen Brenman and Gordon Peters. Other special guests include Father Ted/Black Books/The IT Crowd writer Graham Linehan, Thin Blue Line and Gimme Gimme Gimme star, James Dreyfus. I also have very knowledgeable and passionate regular guests on, for the most part.

  • One Foot in the Podcast 5 year anniversary! - with the pod's first ever guest!
    'I am delighted to celebrate the 5th anniversary of releasing the very first episode of this podcast. It's hard to believe it's already been five years! I have the pleasure of welcoming our pod's first-ever guest, Ben Shaw. Ben is not just the brainiest fan of the show, but also a very clever man. He has been a fantastic guest and a dedicated supporter of the podcast over the years. Based on feedback, he remains a fan favourite.'
  • One Foot ramble with Sarah Gardom
    Sarah G, long time listener of the podcast returns to participate in a few games in this ramble series of episodes.
  • Ramble part 2 with Ant
    Welcome back to part 2 - a ramble with friend of the pod, Ant. He doesn't half come up with some meaty observations. I love it - hope you enjoy!
  • A One Foot ramble with Ant
    Returning guest, Ant, joins me this week - as he puts forward some observational questions to me. Hope you enjoy it and please get in touch - I will reply!
  • The man who blew Frank Bruno away
    Welcome to this year's festive special, with guests Dan and Ant. The re-review of this Brian Murphy spectacular. Enjoy!
  • The Halloween Special
    A horrifying welcome to you, blooded listeners. Welcome to the Halloween spesh. We dissect as many spooky moments throughout the series as possible. Did we miss any?
  • Fun & Games with Adam James
    One Foot in the Podcast welcomes a professional musician and friend of the pod, Adam James. A couple of rounds of One Foot themed games and general discussion to get your dose of One Foot injected into your lugholes once more. If you read this bit - please contact me to say... you read this bit. Cheers!
  • Question Time special: When Victor got it wrong (a debate)
    Was Victor Meldrew completely faultless in life? Could he have executed things differently when going full throttle in his pursuit to fight against the crappy things faced in society? My good mate, Dan 'the beefcake' Heath (nickname not verified) debated with me on as many Victor scenarios as we could think of. Please get in touch! Follow me on Twitter and join the Facebook group page.
  • Director/Producer: Susie Belbin
    One of the best conversations I've had on the podcast. Susie Belbin was a producer/director for a whole host of shows, including: One Foot in the Grave (S1-S5) Jonathan Creek Are you being Served? Bread Hi-de-Hi! 'Allo! 'Allo! It Ain't Half Hot Mum Only Fools and Horses (S4) She also worked with Morecambe and Wise. Her CV is impressive and her experience, knowledge and pioneering ways of directing was all to see. A huge thank you to Susie for speaking to me and treating you fans of British comedy.
  • The Manchester collective
    Hallo! All 3 of my guests are from the Manchester area. We met up a few weeks ago for lunch and a One Foot chinwag. Consider this pod a debrief of that. It's a longy - so, plan that long distance travel or dog walk well.
  • Richard Webber - The Pod legend!
    Remember all those times I and other listeners would reference "the Webber book" which became my trusted bible? Well, a great coup was had by the pod with having the man himself on for a chinwag about his marvellous book 'The Complete One Foot in the Grave'.
  • The Easter Special
    It's Easter - why not? Joining me is friend and fellow podder, Si Smith of the Men Behaving Badly podcast 'Don't Forget Your Goodbye Gherkins' & co-host of The 3 Comidos. A couple of quizzes, a 'where are they now' chat and a discussion on who we'd cast in One Foot in the Grave if it were to make a return. Thanks for downloading.
  • Only Fools convention with Sir David Jason - my thoughts (tiny bit of One Foot speak)
    I attended the Only Fools and Horses convention and met the legend that is Sir David Jason. At long last! I speak my thoughts on the drive home.
  • The Wisdom of the absolute b**ch - A Christmas revist
    One Foot in the Podcast outro music creator, Anthony Satterthwaite chinwags with me about 'Wisdom of the Witch' - which the alternative title given would suggest we get quite iritated with the person responsible for Victor nearly being killed. I mean, he is eventually killed but had Renwick had other ideas, we'd have been starved of 2 more specials and a final series. Merry Christmas. Tom Griff 
  • **Jonathan Kydd** - A.K.A Chippy Joe / Market Stall Geezer
    He was supposed to turn up on the pod for the usual Sunday slot, but alas, he arrived Wednesday! So, in the spirit of Chippy Joe, this pod is being released on a Wednesday. Jonathan Kydd was so easy to natter with and a man of many talents. Thank you for downloading.
  • An unplanned ramble (part 2 of 2)
    Part 2 of the unplanned ramble. A cheeky couple of games mid way through for you to play along.
  • An unplanned ramble (part 1 of 2)
    Hello and welcome. Pod regulars, Si and Dazza join me to quite simply, keep me company. It's just us talking. Mainly about comedy. I hope it inspires....someone? It won't, but we had great fun.
  • Doreen Mantle - A eulogy and farewell
    Doreen Mantle, aged 97, has sadly passed away as announced today by her agent. Si, Darren and I pay tribute to one of the comedy greats in TV sitcom history. We loved Mrs. Warboys, but she will live on in the One Foot in the Grave universe forever more.
  • A live pod opposite Victor's house
    This has got to be a first, but I recorded and uploaded a podcast outside of Victor Meldrew's house. Just a short and sweet live transmission of my thoughts on the show whilst I holiday in the Poole area.
  • Fun & Games with Christchurch resident Jen!
    I'm podding with Jen, a resident in the Christchurch area. Which was the only excuse I needed to do some podding once again. We have a general One Foot natter, chucked in a quiz, a quick-fire round and a Desert Island Discs special.