

GNU, Linux, coffee, and subversion. This podcast is founded in the ideals of anarcho-syndacalism, anti-facism, and human rights. I stand in solidarity with all people of colour, of marginalised communities, and the oppressed around the globe.

  • gnuWorldOrder_561
    **cyrus-sasl** , **daemon** , **dehydrated** , **dhcp** , **dhcpd** , **dnsmasq** , and commentary about **dovecot** and online services. shasum -a256=acf93c707c2df88df410db0b1c02ae82c90d68857713af9cf5feea4132705f8b
  • gnuWorldOrder_560
    **curl**. shasum -a256=23cec6669d3b1a23fd7c44bd2ba9cc594c96b4d3b523c6c235927d1496536b0d
  • gnuWorldOrder_559
    A comparison of **less** , **more** , and **most**. shasum -a256=9f5e99c395ea43977bff9c320de58b6dbf5bc19f95da09b5bc18764a735bf633
  • gnuWorldOrder_558
    **bootp** , **bridge-utils** , **bsd-finger** , **c-ares** , **ca- certificates** , **cifs-utils** , **conntrack** , **crda** from **n** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=b81473536642ff25b32d1c4101367c9ec972967f9b7b5cb99150027fcf3c765f
  • gnuWorldOrder_557
    **bind** , **bluez** , **bluez-firmware** from **n** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=0d01cf87fb7565be1595b17d015806c98d49f83dff65dc7a500cbb4b602b9d32
  • gnuWorldOrder_556
    **alpine** , **autofs** , **biff+comsat** from **n** series of Slackware packages, and all about networking. shasum -a256=422046145319c9e073da0e3f36fa0207a27e012814bc00402652eff3b2f58a24
  • gnuWorldOrder_555
    ModemManager and NetworkManager from the **n** series of Slackware packages, and all about networking. shasum -a256=ed2d50cc60c9cfa39987da2b91b5a98637a9f0d76a323612a4283ff14a70fd47
  • gnuWorldOrder_554
    Listener feedback, and a second look at netpbm from the **l** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=9921c517dc74fd3cd27efce80691b86c79a1cc119f13b2ecdea106ac58594976
  • gnuWorldOrder_553
    **t1lib** , **taglib** , **taglib-extras** , **talloc** , **tango-icon-theme** , **tdb** , **tevent** , **tidy-html5** , **utf8proc** , **v4l-utils** , **vid.stab** , **vte** , **wavpack** , **woff2** , **xapian-core** , **xxHash** , **zlib** , **zstd** in the **l** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=1a0b869f6a653e128e4783ffc2ff14a79201910e93e07978680cf301d529bfa6
  • gnuWorldOrder_552
    **sbc** , **sdl** , **serf** , **sg3_utils** , **shared-desktop-ontologies** , **shared-mime-info** , **sip** , **slang** , **slang1** , **sound-theme- freedesktop** , **speech-dispatcher** , **speex** , **speexdsp** , **spirv- llvm-translator** , **startup-notification** , **svgalib** , **system-config- printer** in the **l** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=c94413a2e0ee773727d6f4a24734a11fe4d43459b7b03f78b37987e1191fd2fa
  • gnuWorldOrder_551
    **qca** , **qrencode** , **qt5** , **qt5-webkit** , **qtkeychain** , **quazip** , **realine** , **rpcsvc-proto** , **rttr** , **rubygem- asciidoctor** in the **l** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=b40b0a1336ada9d9f97267ae2f7ba65bd2ef549a8b7bfe8bab9684307907723c
  • gnuWorldOrder_550
    **polkit** , **polkit-{gnome,qt}** , **poppler** , **popt** , **pulseaudio** , and commentary on all the Python modules **pycairo** , **pycups** , **pycurl** , **pygobject** , **pygobject3** , **pygtk** , **pyparsing** , **python- Jinja2** , **python-MarkupSafe** , **python-PyYAML** , **python-appdirs** , **python-certifi** , **python-cffi** , **python-chardet** , **python-charset- normalizer** , **python-distro** , **pythondnspython** , **python-docutils** , **python-doxypypy** , **python-doxyqml** , **python-future** , **python-idna** , **python-markdown** , **python-notify2** , **python-packaging** , **python- pbr** , **python-pillow** , **python-ply** , **python-pycparser** , **python- pygments** , **python-pysol_cards** , **python-random2** , **python-requests** , **python-sane** , **python-setuptools** , **python-six** , **python-tomli** , **pythonurllib3** , **python2-module-collection** in the **l** series of Slackware packages. shasum -a256=71798632fb47d47b1049326a89ed410dec68e898988a5322585d3d011ce0e3b3
  • gnuWorldOrder_549
    **pango** , **pangomm** , **parted** , **pcaudiolib** , **pcre** , **pcre2** , **phonon** , **phonon-backend-gstreamer** , **pilot-link** , **pipewire** from the **l** series of Slackware packages. Here's how to enable Pipewire on Slackware: $ sudo /usr/sbin/pipewire-enable.sh shasum -a256=494a2bf4038f2fd791afa290b2324cc176919afd6c31c5a3b8021db91b7d422d
  • gnuWorldOrder_548
    Listener feedback from Deepgeek about Firefox. shasum -a256=bf884403e15bdf7746478d486552bb169392b7b17d52c1cf68bc83f3620cf980
  • gnuWorldOrder_547
    **oci-icd** , **oniguruma** , **openal** , **opencv** , **openexr** , **openjpeg** , **opus** , **opusfile** , **orc** from Slackware's **l** software set. shasum -a256=b521b1a22e8f6f14edec8cde43e15e044291e9ca5decac1a21757bd1a779762a
  • gnuWorldOrder_546
    **mm** , **mozilla-nss** , **mozjs78** , **mpfr** , **ncurses** , **neon** , **netpbm** , **newt** from Slackware's **l** software set. shasum -a256=331f4411d8b2faae1d064550bb5583554b89073ea1c53d0014494e421711b3e4
  • gnuWorldOrder_545
    **media-player-info** , **mhash** , **mlt** from Slackware's **l** software set. shasum -a256=0a1b470c723823f704ab511e3eeff5b457f9ae2d5dbbaf7f4a2863f4c6f770d3
  • gnuWorldOrder_544
    **libxkbcommon** , **libxklavier** , **libxml2** , **libxslt** , **libyaml** , **libzip** , **lmdb** , **loudmouth** , **lz4** , **lzo** from Slackware's **l** software set. shasum -a256=e1b097b488965530551528af43d560a5da0c2e36986b335ea5636292c2700224
  • gnuWorldOrder_543
    **libunwind** , **liburing** , **libusb** , **libusbmuxd** , **libuv** , **libvisio** , **libvisual** , **libvncserver** , **libvorbis** , **libvpx** , **libwebp** , **libwmf** , **libwnck** , **libwpd** , **libwpg** from Slackware's **l** software set. shasum -a256=2defa6640d655071e2926749e44715f218df0b6616458544903f04cd0a9b40d8
  • gnuWorldOrder_542
    Visit the alternate Internet with OpenNIC shasum -a256=bf5a9eda43a29a6bf2c24c2e0b73bfdfe19e5132b06caa0028e69cfdcf69be61