Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember


Ram Dass shares his heart-centered wisdom in each episode featuring excerpted lectures given throughout the last 40 years, with an introduction from Raghu Markus of Ram Dass' Love Serve Remember Foundation.

  • Ep. 160 - Science and Spirituality
    In this interview from 1980, Ram Dass shares a mind-bending conversation with physicist Amit Goswami about the intersection of science and spirituality.
  • Ep. 159 – Stuck In-Between Stories
    In this dharma talk from 1993, Ram Dass looks at how each of us can get stuck in our transition between the fear-driven social institutions that we were born into and the love-driven paths of the heart that we are re-discovering for ourselves.
  • Ep. 158 – A Pledge to Social Responsibility
    In this dharma talk from 1978, Ram Dass looks to the example set by The Shakertown Pledge as a model for committing ourselves to inner and outer social action.
  • Ep. 157 – It's All Right Here
    In this dharma talk from 1982, Ram Dass illuminates how happiness, boredom, suffering, past and future, life and death, it’s all right here in every moment we experience.
  • Ep. 156 – Dying Into What Is
    In this dharma talk from 1981, Ram Dass looks at how we can let go of our fears about change and dying by understanding our true nature. This episode of the Here and Now Podcast is the first since Ram Dass recently left his body on December 22, 2019. It features a special message from Raghu Markus, long-time presenter of the show and dear friend to Ram Dass.
  • Ep. 155 – Astral Fun and Games Pt. 2: Doorways to the Divine
    Ram Dass shares a dharma talk exploring the complex relationships we form through devotional yoga that become doorways leading to inner liberation.
  • Ep. 154 – Astral Fun and Games Pt. 1
    In this blast from the past, Ram Dass is the ringmaster for some astral fun and games as he takes on miracles, psychedelic powers, and connecting across different planes of existence.
  • Ep. 153 – Devotional Tantra and the Divine Mother
    In this unique dharma talk from 1976, Ram Dass explores the practice of devotional tantra, which is about seeing the world as the Divine Mother Kali and feeding her with your impurities.
  • Ep. 152 – The Still Small Voice Within
    In this dharma talk from 1975, Ram Dass speaks of the still small voice within that serves as a constant reminder of our true nature and relationship with God.
  • Ep. 151 – Entering into the One
    In this dharma talk from 1993, Ram Dass answers questions about navigating our spiritual path and working with practices that can bring us into union with the One. With the floor open to his live audience, Ram Dass touches on topics such as his own spiritual practice, methods for bringing us closer with the One, losing faith, working with a guru and more.
  • Ep. 150 – Becoming Nobody
    Celebrate the theatrical release of Becoming Nobody, the quintessential portal into Ram Dass’ life and teachings, with this collection of teachings featured in the film. Becoming Nobody, from director Jamie Cato, represents the core arc of Ram Dass’ teachings and life. Through historic clips balanced with engaging conversation, Ram Dass shares the tools available to get free from our old roles and disguises. Find screenings in a city near you beginning September 6th, including special events featuring Q&A with Jamie Cato and special guests like Sharon Salzberg, Mirabai Starr, Producer Raghu Markus and more at becomingnobody.com
  • Ep. 149 - One Family, Many Paths
    In this talk from 1986, Ram Dass reflects on how we relate karmically within our family as we grow and our roles evolve.
  • Ep. 148 - Krishna and the Seeker
    Ram Dass invokes lord Krishna as he discusses divine love versus worldly love, then leads a guided meditation where the seeker and guru become one.
  • Ep. 147 – Motives for Spiritual Practice
    In this talk from 1976, Ram Dass reflects on the motives for spiritual practice that can liberate us or keep us stuck in our own egos.
  • Ep. 146 - A Journey Into Innocence
    In this talk from 1983, Ram Dass reflects on the journey into innocence and uninhibited loving compassion that we all share.
  • Ep. 145 – Here We Are
    In this continuing talk from 1992, Ram Dass explores how we can best navigate the situation of this incarnation here on Earth that we find ourselves in.
  • Ep. 144 – Accepting How It Is
    In this talk from 1992, Ram Dass looks at how quieting the mind allows us to accept life how it is, including all of the love, suffering, joy, and discomfort that comes with it. It is all happening as it should in our lives so that we can grow to become free. Ram Dass shows us how cultivating spaciousness and trust allows us to sit comfortably with all life has to offer and connect with the inner truth that guides us.
  • Ep. 143 – Awareness is the Sky
    Buckle in for a classic talk from Ram Dass that dives deep into the concept of awareness, and the disruptive phenomena of the attractions and aversions born from karma.
  • Ep. 142 – It’s All Yoga
    In this talk, Ram Dass shares a lesson on the liberating practice of service and how we can turn everything in our life into a practice of yoga.
  • Ep. 141 – Practice Makes Perfect
    Ram Dass shares a reflection on the different kinds of spiritual practice available to us and looks at how they each offer the potential to liberate or keep us trapped in our egos.