Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today Proverbs 20-21. After the reading, I’ll have some comments for you. I’m calling today’s episode “Avoiding Strife.”   Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash Comments on Proverbs 20-21 Just a few comments today. Most of the verses, or proverbs, speak for themselves. They just need to be rolled over in our minds and made a part of who we are. Comments on Proverbs 20 My wife, the lovely lady LeeAnn, has been in the car business for several years now, and God has blessed her. She is the director for the internet sales department at her dealership, and every month she’s almost always the top sales person because she treats her clients openly and honestly. Verse 14 of Proverbs 20 makes me think of the sales process that so many people seem to want to go through. “Bad, bad,” says the buyer, But when he goes his way, then he boasts.” It’s the give and take of, not just the car business, but any financial transaction where negotiating is involved. The buyer points out the problems with the merchandise, the seller extolls the virtues. If the process is done properly, both parties are winners. The buyer comes away feeling like he’s gotten a good deal, and the seller makes a reasonable profit.  And Verse 24 says, “Man’s steps are ordained by the Lord, How then can man understand his way?” That last part is better translated, “How can a man understand his *own* way?” It’s true. Our lives are in God’s hand. He knows where He wants us and what He wants us to do and be. We sometimes think we are planning and running our lives. And to a certain extent we are, since we do have the freedom to choose. But God’s ultimate, overarching plan for creation will be accomplished. Doesn’t it seem foolish to think that we can challenge God? Doesn’t it seem wiser to acknowledge His lordship and follow Him one step at a time, and allow ourselves to be in harmony with His plan? If our plan is in conflict with His, all our planning will be for nothing. There’s an old Jewish proverb, non-Biblical and somewhat cynical that says, “Man makes his plan, and God laughs.” I would much rather give myself to Him and have the assurance that my life will have meant something when I stand before Him at the judgement. I’ve told you many times that my ultimate goal is to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Thoughts on Proverbs 21 I’m sure you noticed Solomon’s comments about living with a disagreeable woman. In some circles this is fodder for the fallacy that the Bible is anti-woman. I disagree, and here’s why. Prov
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