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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will complete the book of Daniel 7-12. I’ll have comments on both chapters after the reading, and I’m calling today’s episode “What Time Is It?” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash Comments on Daniel 7-10 It’s an interesting fact that throughout history, the focus of the church has not always been what it is today. In the first few hundred years after Jesus left the church with the Great Commission, the church focused on the doctrine of Scripture. Which makes sense, right? In the early years, the church had to define what was and what was not divinely inspired scripture. And then, through the centuries, the focus shifted to the doctrine of the Trinity, to the doctrine of who and what Jesus is, to the doctrine of who and what man is, to the doctrine of salvation, to the doctrine of the church. And it really wasn’t until the last couple hundred years that the church spent much time studying the doctrine of the end days. Yes, it is true. For most of our history the biblical books of prophecy have been looked at as being impossible to understand. Some of the prophets who wrote them under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit even said that they didn’t understand everything they wrote. But that is because it was not time yet to understand them. As we read these books today, we can begin to see glimpses that make sense. In these chapters having to do with the end times, it is going to be impossible for me to talk about all the possible interpretations or applications to the days in which we are living. Entire books have been, and probably are being written even as I speak about how the book of Daniel applies to today.  What I’m going to do in the short time we have today is look at a couple verses from today’s reading.  First let’s take a look at Daniel 8, verse 26. Someone who looked like a man spoke to Daniel about future events, at the end he said, “The vision of the evenings and the mornings that has been told is true, but seal up the vision, for it refers to many days from now.” What did he mean when he told Daniel to seal up the vision? Many people believe that he meant that no one would be able to understand the vision until the end times. “…seal up the vision, for it refers to many days from now.” I disagree. I think he meant, “Safeguard the vision, put it someplace safe because it will be needed later.”  Here’s an example. My wife, the the Lovely Lady LeeAnn and I had a will written for us several years ago. We hope that it won’t be needed for many more years. Do you think we keep it on the kitchen table or the coffee table in
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