Episode Summary

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler discuss the basics of how an application gets into a container, how to layer OS + applications + dependencies, how a container interacts with a container registry, and how container files different from Kubernetes manifests. Show Notes:[TRANSCRIPTION] PodCTL Basics - How to Containerize an ApplicationSetting up a DockerfileBuilding an OCI-compliant container with "Buildah"Deploying with Kubernetes ManifestsTopic 1 - How does a Container know what application to run?MetadataImage LayersTopic 2 - Can any Application run in a Container? Does it have to be modified?User namespace vs. RootResource requirementsTopic 3 - How does a Container interact with a Container Registry? Topic 4 - How does a Container tell Kubernetes about it’s Application needs (HA, Static IP, Storage, etc.)?Pods and ManifestsTopic 5 - Can a Containerized Application interact with other applications? How?Within a ClusterDNS Services / NetworkingKubernetes ServicesService Discovery frameworks Feedback?Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com
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