Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Since today is Thursday we’ll read  Proverbs 5-6.   and after the reading I’ll have some comments. I’m calling today’s episode “No Longer A Slave.” Just a heads up if you are listening to this with children. Solomon’s teaching on adultery is very closely tied to the concept of pornography, and I will be discussing that topic in this episode. If you don’t want tender ears to hear, now would be a good time to skip forward a few minutes. Comments on Proverbs 5 Solomon’s teaching on adultery in chapter 5 is especially timely in today’s world of easy to access pornography. Remember, Jesus said that if you even look at a woman with lust in your heart, you have committed adultery with her. So if you think that you’re ok in this department just because you haven’t had an actual, physical adulterous affair, think again. And ladies, this applies to you as well. Let’s be honest here, folks. Pornography is everywhere today. Seems like every time you turn around your eyes are confronted with sexual images. I’ll get to that in just a moment.  Concerning hardcore porn, with the covid lockdowns, it has been estimated that online porn sites are seeing double the traffic they had before the lockdowns. Before covid, porn use was already an epidemic, but now it is truly its own pandemic.  You might be saying, “But Steve, I don’t look at that stuff. I don’t look at hardcore porn.” Glad to hear it. But you don’t have to be looking at hard core images of people doing the deed if the images you see cause you to lust. For you, it’s porn. Let’s be frank. Men, especially are aroused through the eyes. But women can be, too. Advertisers know that, and they use it, don’t they? May I suggest an easy way to short-circuit their efforts? This is something that I have been doing for years. I have made a covenant with myself, with my wife and with God, that when I am confronted with provocative advertisements, I will not look at it. I avert my eyes.  Now, back to the hard core stuff. The internet is a marvelous tool. Except when it’s misused. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to find pornography if you’re looking for it. And sadly, Christians are not immune to the lure. A few years ago I found a study done by Proven Men Ministries in conjunction with the Barna group that revealed the fact that in some data sets, Christian men view porn more than non-Christian men. And Christian women are viewing porn, too. Beloved, this study shows that even Christians can be caught up in porn. So what’s the big deal? Porn is just a victimless vice, isn’t it? Is it? One of the world’s most used porn websites has been investigated for allowing child porn on their platform. Wouldn’t you call them victims? And many of the people in these videos are not willing participants. They are actually victims of modern day slavery. Yes, actual slavery. The children and young people in these videos are victims, beloved. And the damage being done to them emotionally and spiritually is real. This damage is, in many cases, permanent. Their lives are destroyed, and for what?  Make no mistake. Pornography is evil. It is not a victimless crime. There are very real consequences. Beloved, listen to S
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