Charlotte RobinsonNews

Episode Summary

Alison Burgos, Co-Founder and Vice President of the KindRED Pride Foundation talks with Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ about the launch of “Red Shirt Pride Day” an annual global movement on the first Saturday of June to get a million LGBTQ individuals and allies to wear a red shirt not only in celebration of Pride Month but as a message of “KindRED” spirit in these challenging times. The link between red and Pride originated in 1991 when Disney cast members and the Central Florida LGBTQ Community decided to meet socially on the first Saturday in June in front of the Castle at Magic Kingdom. They wore red t-shirts as an expression of pride and to identify their “kindred spirits” since they had only met on a bulletin board and never in person. “Gay Disney” flourished and quickly grew to be one of the largest LGBTQ annual gatherings in the world. The growth was in part the result of the national exposure brought on by the protests of far-right groups threatening to boycott. The LGBTQ community responded in droves and year after year have journeyed to Disney World Resorts from around the world. Red is also the first color of the rainbow flag and stands as a symbol of life and passion. Burgos hopes to start a yearly worldwide tradition with Red Shirt Pride Day building connections with LGBTQ communities and allies around the world as a sign of solidarity for those who believe in diversity, inclusion, equality, safe expression and kindness. The KindRED Pride Foundation will inaugurate its Red Shirt Campaign at the official kickoff of Pride Cup the annual LGBTQ multi-sport competition held during Gay Disney weekend that takes place June 1st to June 4th in Orlando, Florida. We talked to Alison about what she hopes to accomplish with Red Shirt Pride Day and her spin on our LGBTQ issues.  KindRED Pride Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to support the endeavors of like-minded charities for the education, promotion and celebration of Diversity, Inclusion, Equality, Safe Expression and Kindness. The organization is aligning with national, regional and local non-profits who provide valuable resources to fight bullying, teen homelessness, HIV services and legal/business/housing services to the LGBTQ community.  For More Info… LISTEN: 600+ LGBTQ Chats @OUTTAKE VOICES
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