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Salty CrayonMusic

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Salty Sessions #4 with Longy I sat down with Longy and his best mate Aaron of Essex right before he started his European Tour. We talk about touring, gigs, v4v and possibly bringing Longy over to Nostr. Grab a coffee and enjoy the conversation. Find Longy: longy@fountain.fm https://www.youtube.com/@whoislongy Nostr: npub19ppwxjrqckwl4n2a7j960fjsvhn8vrggcd0h092nmq7zcgcskjfsywp04j If you got any value from the show today, I ask that you let me know by donating to the show. that can be in the form of boostagrams or if you want to send a note with PayPal that is available. If you are in a different country, I have a Strike QR code on my website where you can send value that way. Many ways you can do this and this helps keep the show going and also promotes the music artists. Time - please share this Talent - artwork, sending me music to play Treasure - bitcoin, fiat fun coupons UpBEATs@fountain.fm SaltyCrayon@zbd.gg https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=B2Y83JARZJBDU Magic Wallet Switching Technology was made possible through https://rssblue.com/ for the Chapters.
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