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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Since today is Monday we’re going to read from one of the books of the Law, otherwise known as the Pentateuch. Today we’ll read Leviticus 4-6. After the reading I’ll have some comments. I’m calling today’s episode “Tend the Flame.” Comments on Leviticus 4-6 In chapter 4, did you notice that the sins for which the sin offerings could be made were unintentional or without knowledge? That’s right. If you sinned by accident, you could receive forgiveness through the sin offering. But if you sinned in rebellion against God, the Law of Moses offered no forgiveness. The penalty was death. Only unintentional disobedience or sins committed out of impulse. In chapter 5, the trespass (or guilt) offering is covered. This offering differs from the sin offering in that restitution is required plus a 20 percent penalty in the trespass offering, and confession is required. In chapter 6:1, notice the text says , “If anyone sins and is unfaithful to the Lord…” and then goes on to describe things done against or to a neighbor. So when we sin against one another, we are sinning against the Lord.  And did you notice also in chapter 6, verse 9, the Lord told Moses that for the burnt offering, the fire was never to be allowed to go out? Do you know why? It’s because the fire that was burning on the altar was ignited from heaven. In chapter 8, which we will read next week, we read, ” Fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar.” So by their sacrifices being consumed by this fire, it was a sign of God’s acceptance.  And just as the priests were to attend to this fire that was ignited by God Himself, we should attend to the fire ignited by the Holy Spirit in us. Our devotion to God, our commitment to prayer and praise, to doing those things that please Him, will wane if we neglect our relationship with Him. This is one of the reasons that Paul wrote in Hebrews 10:24,25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” How is your fire doing, beloved? Is it strong and healthy, or is it just an ember? Does the fire need to be fanned to bring it back? Give it the attention it needs. Don’t neglect it. Your thoughts? Comment below. Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Amin Hasani on Unsplash Today’s Bible Translation
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