Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Job 17-18, and I’m calling the episode “Never Give Up.” Today’s Executive Producer Phil Colbourn Comments on Job 17 Job opens by confessing that his spirit is broken. Why? Because his so called friends have become mockers in his eyes, and he can’t get away from them. They have made him an object of scorn. Allow me to remind you of how they initially came to him: Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place–Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him. 12 And when they raised their eyes from afar, and did not recognize him, they lifted their voices and wept; and each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head toward heaven. 13 So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that [his] grief was very great.” Job 2:11-13 NKJV By all appearances, these three men loved Job. At least they regarded him highly. And now, they have become, according to Job, mockers. To mock is to tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. What a heartbreaking picture this is.  I have two very close friends that I’ve known since I was a boy. I’ve told you about Del. I first met him in junior high school, and we became best friends in high school. The other one’s name is Mark. We met when I was about 9 and he was 10. We were on our city’s swim team. These are literally life-long friends. We have been through all the highs and lows of life together. Our weddings. The births of our kids. I’ve prayed for them when they had life threatening sicknesses, and they prayed with LeeAnn and me when our son, Steven almost died. And now we’re all growing old together, with everything that brings. I cannot fathom the utterly crushing heartbreak I would feel if I were in Job’s shoes, and Del and Mark turned on me as Job’s friends did. The alone-ness. The betrayal. The pain. But Job will not do what they want him to do. They have told him that he needs to confess his sin, but Job knows that he has done nothing to deserve what has befallen him. So in verse nine, Job says that upright men will be appalled at the treatment he has received from his friends, whom he now calls godless. He goes on to say that he will continue hold on to his determination to do what is right, and that because his hands are clean from sin, he will gain strength.  Beloved, when you are persecuted, hang on. Isaiah 40:31 tells us, “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” We cannot go through life without times where the world seems heavy, bleak and dark. But like Job, we must hang on. If you are in a right relationship with God, know that He is with you, and He will hold you up. He will see you through. The night may be dark, but there is the promise of the morning. He will not let you down. God is faithful and He never changes. Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 5-6 GNT This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because adver
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