Episode Summary
We talk about security and the current state of the security system (police, intelligence services, and the military). Subscribe Pocket Casts Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Overcast Google Podcasts PlayerFM YouTube Show Notes What is security 00:02:05 What is security: Security VS Safety. Security: unexpected events that go back to an actor, Safety: maintaining a status. 00:07:20 Entropy: things decay. Security is not a natural state, but must be maintained. 00:09:10 Evil people: psychpaths, predators. 00:09:50 Circumstances: acting irrationally. 00:10:25 Hackers: Red Hats, joy of overcoming security systems. 00:11:11 WASP Privilege: no exposure to threats, stuff works most of the time, no incentive to learn about security. Systems 00:12:29 High trust society VS low trust society: Low trust comes with high cost and less functional societies. 00:16:16 Symptoms of societies with low trust: different environments are what make them. 00:16:50 Universal core values of humans: self-preservation, protecting family and friends, private zones, no drama. 00:18:05 High trust society needs maintenance, will get eroded quickly by few “bad actors”. 00:19:05 How can you turn a low security, low trust environment into a high security, high trust environment? Parallel developments also possible: high security, low trust societies. 00:19:40 Trust builds from history of interactions. 00:20:13 To change, bad memories must die (social memory). See Thomas Kuhn (1962): The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 00:22:10 Western states want to make people dependent on security (stateism) and increase state control. Thus, individuals externalize security, and state is presented as the White Knight. 00:25:15 Are we being played/gamed/manipulated by the state and state actors? 00:27:38 Just doing our jobs. 00:29:50 Machiavellianism: concepts how states can work. 00:31:20 Hegelian concepts: totalist and collectivist states and politics. 00:33:20 Look at systemic issues. Institutions 00:33:30 Inspecting institutions: 1) Police. 00:39:00 Policemen’s selection bias: everyone is a potential criminal or at least a suspect. 00:40:20 Documentation work of police activity by example of firing weapons. 00:42:30 Bureaucracy can work. 00:47:30 Police in uniform VS civilian police: both are for peace preservation. 00:48:00 Military is directed outwards. 00:49:00 Carl von Clausewitz: war is the extension of politics [original: war is the continuation of politics by other means]. 00:49:39 Border guards are the middle layer between military and police (control of territorial boundaries VS maintaining territorial integrity VS maintain security within the borders). Intelligence services 00:50:00 Intelligence services: Classification: Intelligence service fo