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Episode Summary

Potter Revisited Episode #49 Wizard Lobotomy AKA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 12 "The Patronus" We discuss the fallout Hermione has with Harry and Ron over the Firebolt  Wood was fully ready to kick Harry off the Quidditch team if he didn't have his Dementor stuff figured out Oliver barely reacts to Harry telling him Sirius Black is after him, but does react to knowing Harry got a Firebolt With Hermione not having Harry and Ron to talk to, she is really retreating into herself and doesn't seem to be doing well  Lupin describes Patronus' to Harry as guardians, and Harry thinks of Hagrid  The struggle Harry has of wanting to overcome the dementors but also wanting to hear his parents voices is heartbreaking These Patronus lessons must also be tough for Lupin has Harry is confiding in him on hearing his parents voices Harry has a very emotional reaction to hearing his dad's voice for the first time  Lupin reveals that he knew James and they were friends, but Harry chooses to ask him about Sirius Black instead  Hermione is looking tired and worn out, always in the back of the common room studying and despite being angry with her, Ron is concerned  Harry is too petty to get the same broom as Malfoy  Is it weird for Lupin to have a Butterbeer with Harry?  Lupin explains what the Dementor's Kiss is, and we discuss out reactions from reading as children compared to now Shay compares the Dementor's Kiss to a Lobotomy  Harry thinks Sirius Black deserves this punishment, but Lupin has more empathy for human life Neville wrote down all the portrait passwords and lost the list - Shay is astounded  Should they have had better security after the almost break-in?  Harry gets his broom back from McGonagall and decides to make up with Hermione  How many hours a day is Hermione dedicating to school vs sleep? Ron discovers blood on his sheets, no Scabbers and cat hair in his room and accuses Crookshanks of killing Scabbers leading into the next falling out with Hermione  Snape Sucks total for Chapter 11: 0 Email any thoughts, questions or feedback to potterrevisitedpodcast@gmail.com Fill our our Listener Survey here: https://forms.gle/QFEJNAEtQdzXLSBC7 Music: Shelter Song by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Follow Us:  Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/potterrevisited Twitter https://twitter.com/potterevisited Instagram https://www.instagram.com/potterrevisited_/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4v2Xt0OIQ8_LCVYhKf2S5A TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@potterrevisited
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