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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today 1 Chronicles 10-14, after which I’ll have some comments, and I have a very important clarification of my comments on Numbers chapter 5 from yesterday’s reading. I’m calling today’s episode “What’s In Your Heart?” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Andrik Langfield on Unsplash Comments on 1 Chronicles 13 Because of what God does to Uzzah in chapter 13, I’m going to rerun my comments from s12e127, which was titled “Follow the Directions”, where we read about this same event in 2 Samuel chapter 6. If you were with me then, please bear with me. It doesn’t hurt to review sometimes, and new Lifespring Family members might not have heard it. It’s important, I think, to have a better understanding of why God reacted as He did. This can be a difficult story for some people. Why would God kill Uzzah for merely reaching out to steady the Ark of the Covenant (or Covenant Box in the Good News Translation that we read today), to keep it from falling off the cart? Let’s dig into this a bit. To some, God’s reaction to Uzzah’s actions here seems to be extreme, to say the least. David thought so, since we’re told that he became angry at God. So what happened? Why did God do this? Here are the thoughts of scholars. First off, when God gave His instructions to the Israelites on how they were to build the Ark, he was very clear about the most minute detail, including how it was to be transported, who was allowed to move it and who was allowed to touch it. It was never to be put onto a cart, but it was to be carried by Kohathites only. There were two poles that went through two loops on each side of the Ark, and these poles were to be placed on the Kohathite’s shoulders, bearing the Ark between them. No one but a priest was to touch the Ark, because the Ark had the very presence of God upon it. Remember, this all happened before the Messiah had come, and only the priests had direct access to God and only priests could perform the sacrifices that could cover the sins of the people. The Ark represented a holy and awesome (in the very real sense of that word) God, and God had made it very clear how it was to be honored, because it was a reflection on how they were to honor God Himself. So by putting the Ark on the ox drawn cart, they were guilty of transgressing God’s direct instructions. But why was Uzzah killed? Touching the Ark was a direct violation of God’s clear instruction. It could be that God saw the condition of Uzzah’s heart, that he didn’t have the proper attitude toward it. It had been in Uzzah’s house, after all for some time, and he might have become ind
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