Episode Summary

Utah passes age verification requirement for app stores. The inside story on fake North Korean employees. Is that a Texas accent? An update on the ongoing Bybit cryptoheist saga. The industry may be making some changes in the wake of the Bybit attack. Apple pushes back legally against the UK's secret order. Did someone crack Passkeys? The UK launches a legal salvo at an innocent security researcher. The old data breach we witnessed that just keeps on giving. A bit more Bybit postmortem forensic news. A lesson to learn from a clever and effective ransomware attack. And what about that Bluetooth Backdoor discovery everyone is talking about? Show Notes - https://www.grc.com/sn/SN-1016-Notes.pdf Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte Download or subscribe to Security Now at https://twit.tv/shows/security-now. You can submit a question to Security Now at the GRC Feedback Page. For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site: grc.com, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6. Join Club TWiT for Ad-Free Podcasts! Support what you love and get ad-free shows, a members-only Discord, and behind-the-scenes access. Join today: https://twit.tv/clubtwit Sponsors: 1password.com/securitynow uscloud.com joindeleteme.com/twit promo code TWIT zscaler.com/security canary.tools/twit - use code: TWIT
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